I think the network is best summed up by the fact they paid someone to tell them to spell their name phonetically.
I think the network is best summed up by the fact they paid someone to tell them to spell their name phonetically.
I can't help it. The fury, it burns so bright in me...
1) Define "quality" as it looks as slick as every big budget trailer
No, I know all about Mike Grell's revamping and this show isn't that either. Using elements of that series no more makes it an accurate adaptation of it than making Oliver a billionaire makes it an accurate adaptation of the original golden age. Like I said, it's a reinterpretation and that's fine. But it's…
Wahhhhhhh! Someone said something you didn't like and proved you wrong. Waaahhhhh!
Pretty sure 90% of all TV is crap with crap producers, crap writers, crap actors, with crap productions standards all of which are legitimized by audiences with crappy tastes which makes superhero shows just like everything elseso what exactly is your point here with your failed detonation?
For people who've been skipping it, Arrow is a moderately faithful adaptation of the Green Arrow comic
I totally hate the lack of red briefs, but as much as I like all the impassioned defenses of it, the simplest one is the best: it balanced out the costume. That splash of red along with the yellow belt broke up the blue. There's a reason it's the most emulated costume ever and it's the brilliant, effective…
I never said I hated it, but life-changing? Nothing went on in that film that half-a-dozen movies and TV shows hadn't done first and better. Hell, Groundhog Day and Back to the Future had more interesting ideas. Not to mention, only six-year-olds get praised just for trying, not adult filmmakers.
There's no particular reason to think Warner Bros. is actually going to go ahead with this — and you'd think Christopher Nolan would be particularly against it
I'll have to take your word for Captain America. My memories of it are utterly miserable. Not even fun bad.
MEAN GUNS! MEAN GUNS IS AWESOME! Thanks for reminding me. If only it was available on DVD widescreen. It's the only reason I don't own it.
Cyborg is by no means great, but here is "something" there. Same with Nemesis. But that's all I got for his entire career.
Are you criticizing the way God himself decided to protect Clark's secret? Are you!?!
It's the funniest show ever if you just accept that Oliver is batshit crazy. If you apply any sort of critical thinking to it, it's just Smallville in lower lighting with a higher body count.
3) That's a difference in make up choices, not character. You might as well say that Storm changed because Halle Berry stopped trying to do the accent and it suddenly developed little shades of gray.
I could have sworn I qualified my statement by acknowledging it was in fact a different book and I knew Bendis wasn't writing it...
I was looking forward to getting back to The Avengers now that Bendis is gone....then I saw the final page of the Uncanny Avengers and it just ruined it for me. I know it's a different book, but it just cast a pall over everything.