Angrier Geek

I feel the bar for big summer action films is so low, if someone even nods in the way of deeper meanings (and that's all Nolan did, nod) they automatically get credit as if they'd succeeded. It's great Nolan has higher aspirations, but he lacks the tools to get there. And Synder's so freaking clueless he's not even

Nolan compared it to A Tale of Two Cities then revealed he'd never read the book. He was trying to emulate something he didn't understand by merely following what it "seemed" like to him. It's like trying to copy a house by looking at its exterior alone rather than learning actual architecture. That house isn't going

...of the three men involved. Goyer, Nolan and Synder. Goyer is the best of the three. Certainly not the best around, though his original screenplays tend to be better than the finished product.

Look at the breathtakeningly awful alternatives.

It wasn't Goyer who spoke pretentiously about the film comparing it to Dickens, then revealing he'd never read Dickens which explains why it sucked so much.

Goyer remains the least troubleseome of the three. He's not flawless by any means (dialogue has a tendency to go ridiculously campy), but he first two Blade films were fine. The third where he had to be the director too showed he couldn't multitask for shit (the original screenplay is much better). And the last two

Nope. The kid from Love Actually still wins out because there's zero air of crazy attached to her performance.

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The guys at How It Should Have Ended did this better...and faster which is what wit should be.

Sad, but out of the three of them, Goyer, Nolan and Synder the only one I have faith in is the one with the least amount of influence and that's Goyer. Both Nolan and Synder have proven they are not friends to a solid story.

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Hey, everybody knows women loves themselves some ice cream Can't wait until she discovers shopping.

For its theme song alone, Enterprise deserves to be wiped from existence.

Ahem. "Into the garbage chute, flyboy."

As I sat there watching my nine millionth commercial for the DKR DVD, it dawned on me that, while I enjoyed the movie, I have absolutely no desire to see it again.

Fincher will give nothing but style with no substance as has been the bulk of his career. Neither Star Wars nor Empire Strikes Back are masterpieces of direction, so clearly a storyteller, not a technical wiz kid is needed.

Actually it's not. One thing that made Smallville bearable is that they got the heart of Superman right: Clark was raised well by Jonathan & Martha Kent. No matter how stupid or ridiculous the story, that was a constant. Here the only thing they get right is how blatantly the character originally ripped off Batman,

Heh. I can just see angry, frustrated fanboys trying to explain Thanos is basically a Darkseid clone and how Darkseid came first. Actually I can see it in a mirror right now...

Few things are a silly as an unarmed who doesn't kill running around instilling the fear of god into armed men who do. Batman is probably the silliest of the silly characters.

Amen on the expensive. I just started this year and while the results are worth sometimes you just wonder what the hell you're doing with your money.

Fincher is a very talented technical director who like most talented technical directors treats stories and characters as afterthoughts. Pass.

Of course not, but my point is, they are making exceptions for a female character that they never would for a male character. It's not like a superstar is taking the role so you have not choice but to do it, like Tom Cruise taking the role of the clearly defined as 6'4" Jack Reacher. With an unknown you can be true to