Angrier Geek

I'd let it slide if they hadn't spent the months leading up to the show talking about how "gritty" and "real" their show was going to be and casting disdain not just Smallville—-which they should be an their knees thanking because it's certainly the only reason the show exists—-but comics as well. If you make the

Exactly. If someone used the expression"like a Philistine" there's no point to saying,"Well, actually Philistine means..." because the details of the historical origin have no bearing on general use today.

Oh, you went to the core of the word, rather than it's current meaning which is like saying testimony is about balls.

I'd say you have 9. Escape From New York is a little slow and both Lock Out and Dredd were underwhelming. But points for including Big Trouble in Little China.

Where is that? Every definition I've ever read of an amazon is a "tall, vigorous, strong-willed woman."

If they were serious, that height minimum would be 5'10." The average male height in the US is 5'9". The the most famous and powerful female superhero should not still be shorter than the average dude. Compare to the other shows. The dude on Arrow is 6'1" and both Jusin Hartley (who was Aquaman in that failed pilot

I hope you're right, but Lucas' ego could in fact mean that they really don't exist in their original form any longer and he made sure of it.

Oh, yeah. Everyone knows what the deal is now. But some people had foresight back in 50's. When Peggy Lee recorded "He's A Tramp" for Lady & The Tramp her contract stated they had to get her approval for every new medium it was released. Disney ignored this when the movie went to VHS & DVD and she went after them

Yes. Reruns existed in the 60's so rebroadcast rights were obviously part of the original contract, but there was never even a remote concept of people paying to view or own TV shows so it would all have to be renegotiated. And The Charles Addams estate isn't a bunch of rookies. You want to use Lurch, you gotta pay

1) According to Lucas they no longer exist and if they do he's not going to go looking for them. He doesn't care.

why this show will never be like Smallville, which can only be a good thing

Which only makes this rant celebrating NCIS all the weirder. Does the poster not know know that Angelina Jolie, Sandra Bullock and Kristen Davis have played hackers? Have they watched nothing but TBBT that this is some kind of revelation?

Last night's episode of NCIS: LA ("Collateral") did more good for nerds than The Big Bang Theory has ever done, and here's why.

Now that Ridley Scott is firmly ensconced again in science fiction

Horribly out of character for a) Tony to suddenly be that Machavellian to save Thor's hair and b) suddenly know bio tech so he can clone people. He's a hardware guy. But no one in Civil War was in character because if they were they wouldn't have been fighting in the streets and you'd have no story.

EVERYTHING would have been better than BSG's "Oh, it's God" ending.

Clearly a Bond fan.

No way, no day.

Only in horribly written, totally-out-of-character stories like Civil War where Tony suddenly develops sociopathic bio-tech skills.

That you took Ferngully seriously as a suggested replacement rather than an indication of how far fetched Avatar was to be on this shows your understanding of hyperbole is actually below competent.