Angrier Geek

It's called "hyperbole" and I pity anyone who can't understand its use in discussion.

Avatar has no business here, nor does freaking Looper. Ferngully deserves to be here more than Avatar, not to mention Star Trek 4: Save The Whales. And Looper is just an episode of The Outer Limits stretched out to two hours because he stopped to retell Witness in the middle. I pity anyone who sees either of these

I call it "Harrison Ford Syndrome" when you're enjoying a movie too much to care whether or not it makes sense. I named it after him because The Fugitive is one of the dumbest movies ever made but watching it is so much fun you don't care. Then there's the infamous submarine scene in Raiders...

There are MANY problems with this film in terms of the story and would take as long as the movie to list them all. You only need so much exposition when nothing makes any sense at all—-like sending the bulk of the police force underground. And it's almost three hours of this. Nolan essentially explained all the

So what you're saying is the sad choices are bad story or clumsy exposition trying to make a bad story make sense? Sigh.

It's called "supressing fire" and it's point is not to kill people (which seems odd considering he's mounted the ship with GIANT LETHAL WEAPONS) but to prevent them from shooting your people so they can move...which he fails to do in a frivolous, highly stylized action scene.

No, I just wanna know why he'd bring the aircraft down to shoot the guns on the tanks then leave the cops to face the rest of the firepower with no cover? Or why Lucius Fox simply didn't flood the chamber when Bane showed up to steal it? Or why you'd send EVERY SINGLE cop to one place rather than simply block all the

You keep using that meme. I do not think you know what it means.

"You can't just do stuff because it's cool. He demands that there be story and character behind all of it, which I'm a big fan of."

Nothing strange about. I'm looking forward to it more now.

The only problem is ROM was able to leave his armor at the end of the series and was now living happily ever after with Brandy. We last saw them at the wedding of Rick Jones.

Because the rest of his stuff is shit. There's no two ways around crummy 80's recycling and characters utterly destroy so they can fit what Bendis wanted to do with them. It just shows that Bendis is one of those writers who really doesn't fit with firmly established characters and needs the freedom to make his own,

No. He's not.

It doesn't help that in this case it happens to be true. If Broadwell isn't off her rocker making threats, we're not having this conversation.

As it should be, damnit! Though to be fair, I should have posted this. Most of swashbuckling science fiction we know came solely from this, created in 1934.

Sorry, but without this you don't have Star Wars: post titled 'Why Marvel's Upcoming 'Age of Ultron' may actually be the EVENT that changes everything.'

No one was more excited than I was when it was announced Bendis would be going to Marvel to write The Avengers. Especially in the wake of Chuck Austen...then came years of non-stop crap. The best the manager of the comic book store where I shop (and briefly worked) could manage in his defense was, "Well, it's a lot

Wow. Drink the kool-aid much? It's just another "event" to milk the suckers who constantly bitch about events but keep buying them. The only way it would "change everything" is if it were purely digital.

Pretty sure Carrie Fisher's first big break was being the daughter of Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher. Her second was being in the movie Shampoo, which for you kids was a huge hit in 1975, garnering multiple Oscar nominations. Star Wars comes in third.