Angrier Geek

Let's talk about the proper accessories with a suit...

This is the first time Crazy Ollie (and he is batshit crazy which is the best part of this show) made sense. Taking out the corrupt owner of the power company would have helped many more people than a gang of bank robbers who are stealing money that's federally insured and never stay in one city too long.

I will always remain surprised that people are surprised that fringe communities aren't enlightened and turn out to be as sexist, racist and homophobic as the "mainstream" they're supposedly better than. Now that's a real myth.

What about the plan in Skyfall?

Read what you wrote: "leave a trail." MI6 can't follow this same trail why exactly? His entire life is in the files. They know Bond's family home is in Scotland. And she had no way of stopping MI6 from sending aid. None. They'd never let her go it alone. Especially in the middle of a hearing to prove they were

He's lucky he didn't get stuck with that crap song for Quantum of Silence. And this title sequence is the best thing about the movie. Not the first time for a Bond film and I'm sure it won't be the last. But here's an interesting thought: how often could these be exchanged? You could replace Adele with Nancy

No, I know going to Scotland was intentional, but to lead Silva there so he could face him with only three guns and two senior citizens when MI6 clearly knows where he is!?! Not to mention Silva's goal was to ruin M's career and kill her. At the end of the movie her career is ruined and she's dead, so why is Bond

Uh, hey buddy, 1) it wasn't M's plan, it was Bond's; 2) he deliberately lead the bad guy and his small army to them when all he had were three guns and two senior citizens ; 3) that he lead them there meant he was clearly in contact with MI6 and could ask for back up like he did in Taiwan 20 minutes earlier and 4)

As RW points out, they changed the level of suspension of disbelief. It's entirely on them when it's painfully stupid. And I can't point out enough the massive fuck you to the intelligence of the audience to have him in Scotland with no support, yet three attack helicopters show up in the South China sea in a matter

I'm glad to see I'm not the only person who noticed this was one giant idiot plot. The moment anyone stops acting like an idiot, it's over. Yes, I know. It's a Bond film, but if you're going to try and infuse it with gravitas and ennui you can't have the dumbest plot since A View to A Kill and even dumber behavior by

Well, when as a rule you're not getting any most of the time your mind takes you places.

I knew Billy Burke was great from the first episode. Still not gonna watch this stupid show.

Michelle Williams is a very talented actress, but one of the "most beautiful ladies of all time" is a tad over-the-top don't you think. She wasn't even the most beautiful lady on Dawson's Creek.

The Vin Almendola, Sal Almendola, Steve Englehart and Dick Giordano (from a Neal Adams idea) classic, "Night of the Stalker" from the 70's (yes, there was Batman before Frank Miller, kids). After ruthlessly tracking down criminals who murdered a young boys parents in front of him, Batman returns to Wayne Manor, looks

It's better, but it would be hard not to be. Though it still has the absolute stupidity of the two guys wisely most afraid still deciding to play with alien life.

Good thing the last few humans on Earth are smokin' hot children, otherwise that would be an entirely different movie.

Add me to the list of people who cling to the delusion that your body and face actually change between 16 and 24. It's weird that some people can't see the science of biology but fully embrace the science of surgery.

I enjoy a lot of bad things too (you'll pry my copy of Speed Racer from my cold, dead hands). That doesn't make them good. This is just a bad film that you happened to enjoy.

Good point. The basic premise of the show was controlled women. John Lennon once said it's the guys who try the hardest to be feminists are the guys who are overcompensating for their darker natures and included himself in that. While I don't necessarily agree, Whedon is definitely lending credence to Lennon's claim.

I've been reading it. It's less stupid in the first ten minutes because their expedition is based on science, not faith. Similarly the two guys get lost because they don't have either a map or communication with the ship. I'm sure this won't last, however...and it doesn't because a few pages later they're shown to