So, to sum up: Inara gets gang-raped by Reavers, who all die due to her drug use. And this finally convinces Mal to stop slut-shaming her, at least for a while. Kind of glad that episode never got made, to be honest.
So, to sum up: Inara gets gang-raped by Reavers, who all die due to her drug use. And this finally convinces Mal to stop slut-shaming her, at least for a while. Kind of glad that episode never got made, to be honest.
Well, when you find someone who said that, go tell them to shut up because it didn't happen here.
How's this: once bitten twice shy. Or: fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice shame on me. An unwillingness to return to something that's disappointed you is perfectly normal. Yeah, I'm bitter too, but my reaction is still within the bounds of rational behavior. Spending more time talking about how I'm not going…
I'd be afraid but there's no chance in hell this will ever happen.
No, it would leave you unwilling to try that bakery again, because the taste of shit in your mouth is unforgettable and unforgivable and just the smell of that pie would remind you of it.
Yeah, because an otherwise delicious pie that had rat feces in the final bite you took would only leave good memories in your mind and send you back to that bakery again and again.
Actually, that's exactly what it means and that my dislike brings out sad fanboys like you who can't bear anyone not liking what they like (note my comment made no reference to quality) only proves my point. Your insecurities over it speaks volumes. Otherwise you'd just let it go.
I know! And I'm pissed about that! And I just did it again! Damn it!
Sorry. Still bitter over that shit series conclusion. I simply cannot give these people another second of my life.
One guard clearly takes an arrow to the chest before that and after the chain around then neck.
Neither Deathstroke nor Fyers in Arrow resemble any iteration of their comics counterparts - so far. So I'm a little puzzled as to why they've been chosen at all.
I love how you answer your own question then dismiss it as not being good enough for you. But wait you're one of those internet types who just wants to mad about something, anything. I know because we can smell our own.
It's also set in a kind of dystopian alternate world where US intelligence agencies are engaged in conspiracies so dark and corrupt that Philip K. Dick would be proud.
I'm surprised everyone isn't doing this frankly. You know, fears of deadly mutant clones and inbreeding aside.
And if you read the comic prequels, essentially blew off all attempts at help and so doomed themselves.
Amen. He got lucky with Captain America, because everything else (The Rocketeer, Jurassic Park 3, Jumanji, Hidalgo, and The Wolfman stinks of mediocrity. And this is from one of the two people on earth who enjoyed The Wolfman. He lacks that spark that separates the technically adequate from the great.
...which anyone can enjoy watching. Everyone who wasn't a teenage girl fighting with her mom isn't necessarily going to appreciate two people arguing in their own home for the bulk of what is technically a fantasy adventure film.
Finding Nemo didn't have a big bad either and was about the relationship of a child to a parent, but was so much better because it had some kind of grand obstacle. Here the obstacle was just...them. It may resonate, but not very interesting to watch. It might have been different if an actual journey with her mother in…