Angrier Geek

That's what really bothers me. This is going to be used for the "Girls don't sell" argument the same way the disappointing Princess & The Frog will be used for the "Black people don't sell" argument when both films were just lackluster, period.

Even Pixar admitted there was only a Cars sequel because the merchandising for it made literally a billion dollars.

The Cars films were awful, but it can't come close to A Bug's Life. Brave was such a massive disappointment it's not even funny and you can trace it to the absence of a good villain or even a great obstacle to overcome like in Finding Nemo. It has neither. She turns her mom into a bear. That's it. Not even a

If only they'd worked that hard on the actual story...

I wanted to be able to tell the story without the burden of handing it off to a film that already exists and having to conform to it.

True, but that German/French/Quebecois/Russian/Danish guy is probably working somewhere else as something else. Rade Serbedzija is Croatian but plays an Albanian gangster in Taken 2 in the way he's played Russian, Polish, etc. That Asian guy is playing Asian, period. And when that role is removed he's playing nothing

I think the problem with many people is that it's one less Asian actor who has a job. And as the post and everyone tells you, it's not out of racial sensitivity, it's money and who we fear right now. "Any brown face will do" is right.

Uh, Hays? Have you witnessed the nastiness that Jones unwittingly brings out in her teammates?

Seriously. Though I'm not surprised they're so incompetent they don't know what's going with their own show.

One of the best movies you will ever see in your life. But he's been riding that for almost 30 years now.

I'm surprised that anyone is surprised that Lasse Hallstrom is directing this. He sucks. It takes a spectacular lack of talent to make movie about chocolate with Johnny Depp and Juliette Binoche and make it unappetizing.

THANK YOU! I thought I was alone in the world.

I hated Paul Smith's "Steve Rude-lite" at first (coming directly after Dave Cockrum didn't help) but later came to love it. His run on the book was the last before Claremont by his own admission just succumbed to nihilism and made the stories uber-depressing and I walked away.

At least with Whedon they're actually heroes. No, Shane Black is the reason the expression "naked then dead" was coined in regards to women in action films. Think about it. It's how Lethal Weapon opens. It's what happens to Patsy Kensit in the second one. And his crowning achievement is The Last Boy Scout where every

Pretty sure the first two X-Men films had a lot of characters. Origins was just a steaming piece of crap.

Whee! There's a woman in pain! Now we know we're in a Shane Black film.

Actually it's the same thing it's been: class porn. From the ghetto to the Jersey shore to the trailer park. It's nothing but class porn. Looking down your nose and laughing at "those people" because "we're" so much better.

Unless you're someone he singles out for one of his sadistic mind games...

You leave out the most important reason Watchmen was unfilmable as specified by Moor and Gibbons themselves: the way the story unfolded was specific to the medium itself. You could also argue that you can't turn it into a novel for the same reason.

Could it be that Halle Berry realized the truth long ago? You never know how something's going to work out so you might as well have something pretty to look at in case it goes bad, cause there ain't a lot of ugly in that list.