You have no idea how much I fantasize about this...
Once again the Batman TV show gets slighted. Cesar Romero, Frank Gorshin, Burgess Meredith and Juliet Newmar defined those villains in front of a camera for the first time and did so perfectly. Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger, Michelle Pfieffer and Anne Hathaway all live in their shadow. What? No, Jim Carey did not…
Then you don't want to read about the business behind comics. Ever.
If money was all Stane wanted killing Tony made no sense as he was the golden goose. He clearly wanted to be the top of the food chain even at the expense of money. Ruthlessly craving power and killing anyone in his way made him a good villain
Except Tony already turned that corner. If that's who he was, he would have gone back to just being his old self the moment he escaped the cave. He didn't. Dying should have sent him in the opposite direction of trying to do as much he could before he died. And none of this changes the lack of a real villain. …
You don't need knowledge of Iron Man to be disappointed in #2 which abandoned the whole idea that he wanted to atone and be a better person even though he was dying ultimately was about two rich guys fighting one another.
No, the second was in fact a sequel which had the interesting and unexplored idea that that Carrie's father carried the telekinetic gene and was apparently going around the country siring super-powered daughters.
This is clearly an old list because it fails to include this year's Signs: Battleship, where aliens who have a problem with light, invade a planet ON THE DAYLIGHT SIDE! Oh, and then at night STILL CAN'T SEE ANYTHING. Literally, they have problems day or night.
Sorry but most of childhood is oppressive from a child's point of view. "Don't do this" and "Don't do that." I'm sure being able to eat candy for breakfast lunch and dinner and never going to school or bathing seem like freedom too, but it's ultimately bad for the child and ruins their future. Much like slaughtering…
Because it's a stunning piece of crap.
She added it after it was pointed out. I even got credit.
Not sure how Gossip Girl forces someone to either watch or like The Big Bang Theory. Bad teen drama doesn't make bad comedy okay.
I guess it helps with a memory not enhanced by time making it seem better than it was.
This was actually hinted at in one of the trailers. When one character says, "Do you have any idea what you really are?" and now we know who it was.
Oh, it's more than that. "The Beast" joined the military and became part of a super-soldier experiment! So it's Captain America too (or just the movie version of The Hulk origin). Lana Lang is now a homicide detective in NYC who beats up men twice her size and tools around in hot car with an equally hot partner.…
Yes, you should be ashamed of liking a show as horrible as The Big Bang Theory. And this is coming from someone who has decided that Beauty & The Beast is his favorite new TV show.