Angrier Geek

The movie is about the CIA faking a movie project then using it to take them out. Unless Canada did that, then they aren't being slighted. It's about the escape, not the ordeal.

For 17 years Canada had sole credit and their own movie instantly in 1981 called "Escape from Iran: The Candadian Caper" so all things being equal this is hardly some great slight against our neighbors to the north.

Here's a fact: not all the aspects of the operation have been declassified, so whatever is in the textbooks isn't the whole story either.

Geek test! ID all the actual sci-fi costumes used in the film. For example: the lead in the fake film is wearing the white outfit Gil Gerard wore in Buck Rogers.

Because I hate Ridley Scott I thoroughly enjoy that he's hellbent on destroying his reputation in his twilight years. Can't wait for that Thelma & Louise sequel, Rid!

You've said it all.

Arrow’s Biggest Accomplishment: Making Oliver Queen Scary

Theater people.

Actually Menken understood. He said later that when you see the play, you get to see everyone come out alive and well at the end to take their bows. In the movie they're just dead, period.

To quote the great Lone Ranger song from the 70's, "Whatchu mean 'we?'"

1) It's Ms. Marvel and 2) even though it took them for-freaking-ever they finally changed her name to Captain Marvel (the male character she was inspired by died of cancer in story leaving the name free back in the 80's) and they even put her in pants!

I'm pretty sure he was feeling what you were feeling so he forced attention (and his own self-loathing) onto you. Hopefully you can both laugh about it now during a pride parade.

Ahem! Tarzan & Jane!?!

My expectations for the Hulk show increased exponentially now that I know they are committed to NOT letting Del Toro write. Finally, someone has realized that all the gorgeous imagery in the world doesn't make up for lame writing.

"I don't believe in premature ejaculation. Anytime I come it was right on time." —- David Chapelle.

Been done. But instead of a sperm whale, James T. Kirk chased what looked like a cloud of...sperm

He's not worth a trip to IMDB to get it right. And I'm a fan of D.O.A. which might as well be called "Camel Toe Kung Fu" so elitist I'm not. He's just a shitty filmmaker more concerned with style than substance.

Sadly, I downloaded the VHS cover some years back to post it. No, I refuse to look for it on my hard drive.

Or follow Smallville's painful lack of imagination. "Hey, this guy moves so fast he's a blur, so let's call him 'The Blur!'" I still wince when I think of that.

They should really just tell all the people associated with Man of Steel to just shut the hell up. Everything they say just makes it sound worse and worse. Even worse than "Directed by Zack Synder."