Arrow continues to look worse with every new bit of information. I will watch every episode.
Arrow continues to look worse with every new bit of information. I will watch every episode.
When Mr. Fantastic Wraps up the The Thing in The Fantastic Four movie is lifted directly from the comics. Also Roque's death in The Losers is pretty much lifted from the comic. Also The Punisher's fight with The Russian in the reboot.
I'm so glad I could give a crap about either property. And I love The Ultimates. Though I saw it as a partial satire of The Avengers.
I was not whining "poor defenseless me." I was pointing out the utter silliness of complaining about fanaticism over a show that only exists because of fanaticism. Do you also complain when water is wet?
Yes, because the very reason Star Trek has been around for 45 years and made a billion dollars for Paramount is because of their oh-so-apathetic fanbase. I'm soooo out of place here on a geek site.
First a small rant. I am forever annoyed how people force the Star Trek Next Generation (there was only one show called just "Star Trek" and I'd thank you to remember that) timeline idea on everything. As if it's real! Time travel is whatever that story says it is. In Star Trek you could change the past and it…
Kripke's Supernatural didn't really find its footing until season two, remember.
"It's funny because it's true." — Homer Simpson
I also question the description of "epic" heroes. The Ghostbusters? Angel? Janeway? Since when?
Destroying a military installation that's about to destroy you is not "mass murder" no matter what Kevin Smith thinks.
This film wasn't really a remake of the horrendous Sylvester Stallone Judge Dredd movie, but did audiences know that?
You should know by now that there were only 3 Nazis in WWII and The Red Skull killed them.
I think you're trying to block it like the rest of us.
And he's still wrong. War Machine beat him.
That is correct, sir! He would still however be the first Black superhero. Now the question is does Bill Foster's appearance in '66 before he became Black Goliath in '75 count, because he too would pre-date The Falcon. And does one of the International Sea Devils count because that was even earlier?
He'd be skipping Blade, Storm and War Machine. It's actually an odd victory that nothing he's doing is significant merely because of the color of his skin. He's just another superhero.
Not that I expect an actor to know these things, but The Falcon was not the first African American superhero. He wasn't even Marvel's first African American superhero. Both belong to The Black Panther.
While I understand the appeal of the "age the character in real time" it honestly doesn't make a lot of sense because time doesn't pass in the character's world the way it does in ours. One night could take three issues, which is three months, so it doesn't make sense that the character should have to age three…