Angrier Geek

Before there was ESPN and half-dozen other highlight shows, I'd look forward to an hour or "This Week in the NFL" and "Game of The Week" which ran after Saturday Night Live ended when I was a kid. You simply cannot overstate this man's impact on how we view professional sports of all kinds. The slow motion and the

...which is based on the fairy tale.

Glad you like swordfighting. I like swordfighting too. The problem is THERE SHOULDN'T BE ANY! Your basic premise simply doesn't allow for it! 15 years is simply not going to send us back to medieval times.

Revolution is so bad I can't believe it's not on the SyFy Channel.

And you're entitled to be utterly disingenuous, because it's very clear they were referring to its affect on films that were actually made, all due respect to your hopes and dreams. No film, no actual filmmaker anywhere was ever influenced by The Rocketeer.

I thought it was mediocre to poor and the attempts at action were laughable. It got the success (or lack thereof) that it deserved. And this idea that it influenced anyone, anywhere is simply a fan's fantasy. No one has ever said or thought, "I wanna make a movie like The Rocketeer."

Thank. God.

How could we forget the longhair/ponytail that both Nightwing and Superman rocked in the 90's? Superman wore his hair down (where far too often it was drawn like a mullet) and in a ponytail while Clark Kent, while Dick Grayson did the opposite.

John Carpenter called it a remake in his interview on AMC where he discussed his hesitation to even make it because he so loved the Howard Hawks original.

I think another poster argued accurately that these actually come more under the header of "pandemic" movies moreso than zombie.

Craig Ferguson made the accurate observation the other night that the people in 28 Days Later are in fact not zombies, but living infected humans.

Premature? It's been 30 years. John Sayles? Are you sure? Sayles was a peer of Carpenter in the 80's and honestly a much more gifted filmmaker.

Notice all the things you like about it are related to production design and not actual storytelling which is what really matters. It's painfully anemic for an action movie and even as a kid I was aware of it. That it looks good compared to Daredevil is hardly a ringing endorsement. I mean, Stallone's Judge Dredd

Exactly what work did The Thing remake influence? That's the other half of the equation that another poster noted. Bestowing "classic" status without actually given examples of what they influenced or how "they saved us all." And extrapolating from your logic, it's the original that's actually classic as 30 years

...neither of which makes it "a classic."

Sorry, I'm calling shennanigans on The Rocketeer influencing anyone, anywhere for any reason. It was a lukewarm attempt to cash in on Raiders of the Lost Ark then and has not improved one bit over time. If anything you realize just how great the chemistry was between Jennifer Connelly and Timothy Dalton.

Took the words right out of my mouth...

That's from Legend of the Seeker, a syndicated adaptation of another fantasy book series.

Yeah, good luck with that.

I learned the lights thing the hard way this year. Twice it happened to me. And only when downtown near colleges. Damn hippie kids.