Angrier Geek

Kirk's father was killed, he grew up with an abusive stepfather and Spock had to watch his home, his mother and most of his race die before his eyes. It can't get much darker.

You did NOT just call Star Wars "A New Hope." No, do you did not.

You can't because then you have to pay Diana Rigg for her likeness.

Actually it was for both of you. And Timm's comment surprised me when I read it which suggests he wouldn't have made up for it even if he could have. Too bad because that end of Terry actually be biologically tied to Bruce was utter crap.

He wasn't in the show for any storytelling reason; Timm just flat out stated in an interview he didn't like him. He was alive, that was made clear so his absence when you're bringing in everyone from Ace The Bathound to Superman is glaring, especially in a show specifically about passing the torch.

I only need one reason not to: No Dick Grayson. Because while Bruce Timm is great in other ways, he's a flat out "dick" about Dick (something he clearly shares with Nolan). No Dick Grayson was a giant, gaping hole in the show. I don't need a movie failing the same way.

There's about 6o years before Brubaker starting with Batman #1-3 from 1940, where he first meets "The Cat" later to become "The Catwoman" and then simply "Catwoman" a jewel thief, whom Batman always lets get away. They later escalated it to being needlessly "cat-related" but she's a criminal, he's a crime fighter and

But he's not a nerf herder! I couldn't!

No, Catwoman is a jewel thief, period. She's not out looking to beat people up. That's him. You're confusing the actual comic book Catwoman with Tim Burton's creation that he called "Catwoman" but had little-to-nothing to the actual character. As I recall, alluring thieves attracting detectives isn't exactly new...

...and don't worry about the this Superman/Wonder Woman thing lasting. I can give you a good reason why it won't. In fact I can give you hundreds of millions of reasons aka, Man of Steel. Warner Brothers isn't going to have Superman in the comics conflict what they hope to be another superhero franchise, setting up

The worst super/super romance, for my money? Batman and Catwoman. I've never understood those two as a couple

"....People who come in and complement Oliver, not overtake him."

I was merely defending my initial position which you flatly stated was wrong. It was in fact right. Batman stopped neither with killing nor guns in 1943. Here's a nice one from Cosmic Odyssey in 1988.

...and this little gem is actually from 1997. But like I said, they're all over the place.

Yeah, I'm sorry, but you're wrong. Tim Drake specifically asks Batman if he's ever killed anyone and he says he has. Drake became Robin in '89, so it was still part of his make-up until then. Only after Zero Hour was he scrubbed squeaky clean. Oh, and then there's little things like this which are all over the place

The first X-Men movie also opens saying it's tomorrow.

Yeah, Batman was adverse to guns, not killing people (and not to machine guns in his plane). He only lost the killing people when he absolutely had to aspect in the 90's after Zero Hour. Then it became, "Oh, I've never killed anybody ever for any reason."

No, she's not a green parrot but I'll let that go.

For the most part it was done pretty well. Lois so perfectly grounded Clark you almost forgot that for the previous 50 years they hadn't been together it made so much sense. But yeah, then you'd get people like Chuck Austin who'd make Lois a bitch (literally called that by Ma Kent) and god-help-us, James Robinson who