Angrier Geek

And I maintain, Batman works and has always worked because it's classic, popular stories with a superhero laid on top of it. It's Zorro, Robin Hood, The Count of Monte Cristo and The Scarlet Pimpernel that Bob Kane and Bill Finger put inside a bat-mask. Hawkman is no less silly than Batman (not to mention in terms

As opposed to a guy dressed up like a bat? Batman works because his central story is also a classic one. Vengeance, adventurer working outside the system... These aspects are so strong nothing can stop them, least of all dressing like a flying rodent. Also, it works so long as you have the people on Earth react

Hawkman is classic "buddy-cop-fish-out-of-water" (Hawkman & Hawkwoman come to earth to track an escaped criminal). That appeal is so time tested it's not even funny. It's every other cop movie and/or TV show. It could be two NYC cops in LA; two American Cops in England, two big city cops in a small town....

Geez. Could they be any dumber? They're blowing it because they only thinking about swinging for the fences when they can't even get on base. It is possible to make a small superhero movie. People forget that none other than Blade paved the way for all you're seeing now. A smaller character with multi-genre appeal

Yeah, this guy here will never be a good Joker. He too was silly once.

Perhaps even more shockingly, a Christopher Nolan Batman movie appears to actually have jokes in it.

Yeah, and how could they cast Easy Reader as Lucius Fox? Don't they know that if you're silly once you're silly for the rest of your career!?! It's not like actors can change or anything.

Not true. Up until Denny O'Neil changed it in the late 90's, Joe Chill was the killer of Bruce Wayne's parents under the orders of Lew Moxton. Chill was killed by other mobsters when he revealed that he had inadvertently created The Batman. Batman actually later met the son and grandson of Joe Chill and saved them,

The same. He's like Iron Man; hot right now, but lacking the cultural saturation that exists for the big four.

Lois Lane is cultural shorthand for "female reporter." Her relationship with Superman is cultural shorthand for romance as a TV show built solely around that premise noted with her name first.. Eminem also referenced it in his song "Love The Way You Lie" with Rhianna which was the #1 song in America for almost a

Actually, the burden of responsibility of The Hulk is on you. The nonstop merchandising without any type of mainstream support of Wonder Woman, Superman, etc to prove their A-list status is proven. Where is The Hulk's mainstream awareness (i.e, profit generating) to support your A-list claim?

The lack of merchandising. Cold hard cash makes the difference. Even without mainstream interpretations (movies, tv) there are still t-shirts and everything for the others. There's even notebooks for Catwoman and Lois Lane. The Hulk never has that, though he is very, very well known. The real test is merchandising.

I considered Hulk, but ultimately he's a very, very strong B+. And I put Catwoman alongside Robin as equally famous, but only by their association to Batman. And believe me, I love Dick Grayson more than I'll ever love Batman.

Add me to the list of people who believe that Wonder Woman is A-list and neither the Fantastic Four, X-Men, nor The Avengers make that list because one one simple requirement: ordinary people who have never read a comic or even seen a TV show have to know who you are. Before the film the average person had no idea

When you see things like this you're reminded why Superman is the greatest superhero and how badly pretty much everyone else has failed to convey this.

Yeah, I'm not feeling this. Earth being caught in the Kree/Skrull war makes more sense. Though I did love the modern day Guardians on Avengers animated series.

This means the upcoming Dr. Strange movie will require him to be shirtless at all times. He's ready.

Seriously. Have you read the comments? I wouldn't believe those people if they told me the sky was blue.

I gotta hand it to you. It takes a serious amount of thought to justify putting this on a science fiction/fantasy site, but you went there.

e.t. cemented him, not Raiders. It made almost twice Raiders.