Angrier Geek

That's just it. Tyler Perry LOVED Battlefield Earth and didn't feel the genre needed his help...until now.

I was going to post the video, but was afraid that would send the discussion off in another direction, much in the way things went awry in the discussion of Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter.

Yeah, because Spielberg had no career before that...

Yes, we need stereotypes wrapped in Christian space. Or with robots. Maybe in space with robots!

He is in fact a bad filmmaker and knows nothing.

You beat me to it. I assume Perry also like movies, but he's not any good at them.

It looks like it'll be closer to Paycheck than to one of the top tiers of Philip K. Dick movies,

But I'm in a band...

Sorry, but I must play devil's advocate and point out you can't "forget" what you never knew to begin with. So long as Hollywood has attempted to make these types of movies, they've failed at making these types of movies.

My first reaction to this was: Why are they acting like this is not something completely normal in their lives?

Does anyone remember that Men In Black started out as a comic and that Barry Sonnenfeld was behind that?

You sir, are Justified!

I liked it better with Adrian Brody and Mario Van Peeble.

Well, you kind of answer your own questions, don't you? Plot holes, Spielberg's horrible 6th grade humor on display nonstop (look he's going to eat the rotten sandwich! look the eyeballs are rolling away!) and the higher concept of destiny is tossed aside in the end for what is fairly cliched noir plot (and everyone

That you somehow managed to dig some kind of personal insult over the fact that I merely used Prometheus as an example of concepts not being enough to make a movie good the way that this post presumes about the concepts in Minority Report is entirely your problem. Had this post come up a month ago I would have used

It was the easiest way to make the point that concepts—-which is all this post discusses as if there weren't a narrative—-are meaningless if your story fails. A point which has clearly been missed by most.

Concepts don't make a movie good; execution does. That's what so many defenders of Prometheus get wrong in their bible length defenses of it and that's why no one lists this movie.

No, he was telling you he thought they were terrible to him and he wasn't enjoying the comics he was reading. How you confused that with your own opinion is the question.

10. Advance technology

I still won't buy this until they change that ugly ass costume. The movie version is no great shakes, but at least they don't have that dumbass collar.