Angrier Geek

Oh, and basically any and all fairy tales would count, not to mention anything with witches, ghosts or magic, so there's half the freaking Disney/Pixar catalog (hello, what's motivating Wall*E but love?), Bell, Book & Candle, I Married A Witch, Rough Magic, Woman on Top, Dona Flor & Her Two Husbands, Woody Allen's

Stardust? Seriously? That movie was awful. God. Awful. Not to mention you left both Here Comes Mr. Jordan and it's remake Heaven Can Wait. You know, the movie that was nominated for 9 Oscars? You miss that, but Stardust is here. Xanadu has more right to be here. So does Sliding Doors.

"This isn't formally an Alien movie but we feel it to be superior in every way. Especially that old guy. I personally wanted to work with Cameron."

I think it was good (I also applaud making the boy match his dragon in needed an artificial limb), but it simply doesn't reach the levels of great set by Pixar as you rightly note. That was a second sequel and it still left them in the dust. There's nothing in the entirety of HTTYD that compares to the moment were

$45M doesn't mean you flatten the color palate until everything looks like different shades of the same brown. The only thing the '95 version got right was the look, but they got it right.

Yeah, you might want to dial back ripping on the Stallone version with dialogue like that. And honestly the one good thing about the '95 version was the production design. They should have kept it. This looks dull and flat.

How to Train Your Dragon, otherwise known as the one unimpeachably great animated movie Dreamworks has made

Yes, your punishment for raping your children which ultimately drove one to suicide is...the anger and outrage of man you've never met. JUSTICE IS SERVED!

Exactly what does Robert Downey Jr. go through that even remotely compares to you and your sibling being raped for years by your own father? A father, by the way whose sole punishment is a stern talking to by Val Kilmer while, but one of the abused sibling commits suicide in a hotel room under the impression the man

Kiss, Kiss Bang, Bang is a great movie....except the how the female characters a) suffer and b) Robert Downey Jr. literally stops in the middle of the movie to deliver a monologue as to how all women in LA are fucked up. And by his own admission The Last Boy Scout is horrible. It opens with a topless woman being held

I'm still thinking there's a "bitches get taught a lesson" scene in Shane Black's script and Miss Chastain wisely decided to pass.

He is a mercenary after all. Probably ex-military. Ex-military geologist.

As I've said nonstop for years, Ridley Scott is only concerned about visuals, so while he's not without fault in this, I believe Lindelof (his own history speaks to the flaws in this film as well) when he says Scott chose a "look" over logic. After all, if Charlize Theron had simply stayed in the escape pod, the

His beard is red!

The most brilliant character ever created.

Prometheus is as poorly written as Battleship, but you don't see legions of fanboys flooding the internet with their rationalizations of the film and for alone that I'm starting to think Battleship was better.

They are no more beholden to authenticity in swordfighting than they are anything else, from law enforcement to medical practices to sex. All of which have more relevance to a person's actual life than swordfighting.

Pretty much everyone including Bob makes it clear that movie swordfightig is not real swordfighting.

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Just watch Reclaiming the Blade which also serves as a mini-doc of the late great, Bob Anderson

Horrible. Character and continuity constantly twisted to suit story and given how much that happens in comics, imagine how bad it has to be to stand out.