So they'll live longer with their mental illness?
Because I hate Bendis I'm a) glad this show isn't working for him and b) glad Katee Sackoff has a job on Longmire and can't play Deena because that would force me to watch it.
"[Kate and I] never fight with women. You're always fighting a monster or thug or something. You never fight a beautiful, sinewy long haired woman. I think it'll look really cool and aggressive...."
I'm sorry, since when has The Munsters been some kind of sacred property that any kind of remake wouldn't be an improvement?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. What time should we pick you up to go buy tickets?
Mulan is an actual Chinese legend, she never pretends to be a boy in order to do what she does and it's core story is not at all about a mother and daughter.
"You know, I had problems raising my daughter; I still have problems raising my daughter. And she's just so willful and dah-dah-dah-dah-dah. I just want her to listen. I'll take that and set it in Scotland."
I never saw him as Red Forman. I only saw Clarence Boddicker.
You know for years I thought I was the only person who thought his delivery of "Bitches, leave" was the most quotable line from the movie.
How is it no matter how talented the artist, dudes just can't understand Wonder Woman's top NEEDS SUPPORT!?! If she's walking a runway, fine. If she's going into battle it needs straps.
Chocolate. See how my advice was so much better than yours?
Don't take this the wrong way, but I hate you.
However, cycling requires a lot more time that I simply don't have now. Jogging provides a similar exercise in less time
He did have a radio that could reach the ship even during the storm.
So long as I'm clear: David, the character in the film who actually has some understanding of the alien language is wrong, but you who know nothing of it is right? Okay then. We're done here...
There's no way you're getting me to watch this movie again....
The Superman reboot was supposed to come out this December
We know exactly what they were going to do because a) David, who understands their language tells us in the film and b) Ridley Scott tells us in interviews. Once the filmmaker tells you what his film meant, it's not really up for debate or interpretation.