Angrier Geek

It's not impossible do to a JLA movie utterly detached from the other movies; it's just impossible for the people at Warner Brothers. They're just so nakedly chasing $$$ they don't stop and create something people will cough up $$$ for. You should do a search for their first JLA script. It's. god. awful.

I disagree. It crystallizes how Synder's instincts were so consistently off, though at least he was smart enough to drop it. Hollis is flat out murdered. There's nothing heroic about it. It's just a tragedy.

A distinction that only matters to such as us.

Personally, I thought he was too old for Tony Stark too (not to mention too short), but you don't have to suspend much disbelief for a guy to in an armored suit. Panther is out there jumping around kicking ass and for a 50-year-old man that's a bit much. Let him go join The Expendables.

They learned from the failure of Barbie. Mattel refused to let her be used in the first Toy Story. They came begging for Toy Story 2. You don't want to be that guy.

One film is not "saturated" because if it were Chris Evans' total four comic book based movies would have ruled him out long ago (two FF movies, Scott Pilgrim and The Losers) and being an actual African matters about as much as being an American does to Christian Bale playing Batman. The real problem is Djimon is

It's doubtful, but if they do, we know who should be playing him.

But I don't think that was the reason. If the artist had given it that much thought her gun would have be time period appropriate.

While I do agree with you I also realized the other difference between her and the rest: she's an American. That's actually a valid reason to have a gun while none of the others do.

While i don't think anything is necessary engraved in stone, the Watchmen prequels annoy me because of DC talking to people as if they're idiots about how this is purely for creative reasons. Also, why do this when you freaking own the actual characters they were based on!?! God forbid some of the most talented

I remain stunned that when the director said he was going to CGI the freaking costume no one asked, "Are you fucking kidding me?"

Thank you for saying what I meant in detail.

Save Memento, ALL Nolan's films are at least 20 minutes too long. This is what happens when even the most talented people grown beyond the ability of someone to tell them "No." They believe every single piece of their vision is untouchable. I'm surprised Warner Brother's didn't say something given this will cut

Talented actors (minus Stewart and forgiving the floating accents of Theron and Hemsworth), gorgeous costumes and a beautiful production design are once again wasted on a horrible, horrible screenplay and lackluster direction. If the other Snow White movie was even worse than this.... And I went in with low

An alternate opening does nothing to change the fact that instead writing one solid movie it has a plot sacrificing login in order to set up to make a franchise as if the book hasn't already done that for them!. Oh, and then there's the little matter of one of the worst marketing campaigns in movie history. I haven't

You're thinking of the Ultimate Universe Colossus. And yes, this is a total reboot of Alan Scott, not saying this guy of 80 years has been gay all along.

Not to the general public it isn't.

Yeah, but it's not the Green Lantern you know. It's the Golden Age Green Lantern who eventually became The Green Lantern of Earth 2, not the Green Lantern who had a $250M about him last year and currently has an animated TV show.

DC Comics: we're adding diversity!

To make stodgy old Superman hip to the kids, the publisher briefly gave him electrical powers and the ability to split into two separate sentient entities: Superman Red and Superman Blue.