Q: How do you write such strong/well-realized/positively portrayed women?
Q: How do you write such strong/well-realized/positively portrayed women?
All the What If stories eventually became contests to see who could be the most depressing. I can't believe you left out The Red Skull murdering Cap, then laughing in Cap's memorial in the cloned body of Steve Rogers! Oh, then there's that issue where Sabertooth slaughters most of The X-Men. Avengers The End was no…
They're all sequels to Highlander no matter what they depict is my point. Highlander had four sequels. Horrible ridiculous sequels, but sequels nonetheless.
There's only one way I can put this: it's Michael Bay bad.
The working title of "Highlander: Endgame" was "Highlander 4" and also contained characters from the very first Highlander film (it begins with poor Rachel's murder). And As Connor's presence made clear, Duncan was part of continuity so the last film he was in was also part of the series.
Horrible casting to be sure, but is it really worse than a Frenchman playing a Scotsman? Let's stop pretending Highlander (much less its four—-count 'em, FOUR—-horrid sequels) was some great film. The show was better and it was cheese-a-riffic. This is actually par the course for Highlander so let's dismount the…
Like I said, it's that Buffy episode stretched out into a series, but instead of her vacillating on a weekly basis between the two worlds trying to decide which one is real it was wrapped up in one episode.
So basically it's that Buffy episode stretched out into series? Sorry, but we'll talk about that more than this.
Of course they're going to try to make a JLA movie. Superman and Batman by themselves are more famous than all The Avengers combined...and it's that thinking that made Superman Returns and Green Lantern doomed from the beginning. Warner Brothers thinks it can just throw something out there and the momentum will carry…
If you can't make hot chicks in schoolgirl outfits fighting dragons and Kaiser Zombies interesting you are the worst filmmaker alive. Zack Synder is the worst filmmaker alive. There are guys in Asia with a couple of strippers and videocamera executing this idea better.
aka, directed by one of "Jerry Bruckheimer's Stable of Hacks."
Yeah, but it cost $79M.
You left out "Overuse of Top 40 Music."
It's a shame too, because Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is otherwise a great movie and he's got a way with a wisecrack.
The trailer is at least 30 percent slow-mo
Favreau has never had an actual full-out monologue, much less a movie like The Last Boy Scout where "Fuck you, Sara. I'd spit in your face if the cops weren't here" actually means "I love you." The same movie where the daughter has a foul mouth and constantly disrsepects her father, the mother (Sara) cheats on our…
You've got Time After Time and Time Bandits is number one. I cannot get too angry with this list which is a problem as that is my raison d'etre. You're messing with my bread & butter IO9.
Actually, they make it clear that Nero has in fact created an alternate universe so he in fails to travel back through his own time. This was clearly an appeasement to the older Star Trek fans that their universe was still intact.
Again, it is his idea and it's awful. Are you slow or purposefully thick? He should never be behind a keyboard on even the most basic level. Just a draftboard where he clearly needs to place more effort.
I'm glad to hear Favreau will have some input on Iron Man 3. Maybe he can keep a lid on the misogyny Black is known for, like when Robert Downey Jr. stops in the middle of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang to deliver a speech on how horrible the women in LA are. Moments like that can bring an otherwise good movie to a screeching…