It remains an awful idea. Adams is just dead in the water when it come to even the basic work of writing. Any and all of his energies should be put to drawing as those horrible examples up there clearly show.
It remains an awful idea. Adams is just dead in the water when it come to even the basic work of writing. Any and all of his energies should be put to drawing as those horrible examples up there clearly show.
His past writing has been awful. His currently writing is awful. The above pencils are awful. The awful idea behind this is his. Methinks Tyrunn projects his poor comprehension skill onto others. Not to mention "He read posts before writing them" suggests he's as poor a writer as Adams. What you meant to write was "h…
Neal Adams is not a writer. Neal Adams has never been a writer. Yet Neal Adams continues to try and write. And it's not like his skills with a pencil are what they once were so why are people still allowing him to do this!?! Did Batman Odyssey actually sell that well!?!
The thing they always forget is that Fox also took a chance on some risky genre projects, which is why it had those favorite shows to cancel in the first place.
Just so you know, I'm that dude in front.
Wow. It's almost like you can read my mind... But only that because the words on the screen and their meaning escape you.
The killing of a minor yet well liked character is incredibly cliched.
Yeah, that's why you keep following me and keep commenting on everything I say...
Physician heal thyself... If you had a clue you'd know HEROES—-ESPECIALLY CAPTAIN AMERICA—-ARE SUPPOSED TO CARE ABOUT EVERYONE! Not be "Fuck those 80 deaths mentioned by Maria Hill as well as anyone else killed in the attack by Hawkeye. I didn't know them. None of them asked me to sign a trading card." A beat down,…
Meh. It was as cliched as cliched gets and I honestly excepted no better from Whedon. This is what he does. Poor Coulson...but fuck those mind controlled guys killed by Nick, Cap and everyone else. Also, the SHIELD agents killed by the mind-controlled guys. Their deaths were meaningless and apparently beneath…
Secret Circle got progressively better in its latter half. Unfortunately it had so many breaks many people probably forgot it was even on. Clearly series mismanagement isn't confined to one network.
Seconded. Again, Hellboy should have been dropped for this.
Adam West says this with every Batman movie how he should show up, not simply in a cameo, but as Batman.