Angie G

I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that there is an intersection of Amy Schumer fans and Trump voters.

Ahem, that’s nice, but *I* will be voting for substance.

So much this. It would make a fabulous cross stitch.

“Gender suspicious” is a glorious phrase.

sean lennon seems less human and more hipster reduction.

Dr. Sears is a fucking dickhole. And attachment parenting is a gross term middle/upper class white ladies use to feel smug and superior to other mothers who either can’t or don’t want to practice it. So fuck him for that.

You’re on a post about a little boy who was raped and murdered and you’re most worried about internet commenters saying mean things about convicted sex offenders?

Mandated reporter never hurts to report if you have genuine concerns. Let the authorities sort it out. You never know if your report will be the 3rd, or the 4th, or whichever one will be the one that triggers action (sadly, sometimes it takes multiple reports, especially in 'mild' situations)!

Implement mandatory sex education and incentivize insurers to offer free birth control for women everywhere, and you will make a greater dent in national (and eventually, global) poverty than anything Bernie Sanders could ever accomplish, even in his wildest dreams. Greater than trade, the minimum wage, capital gains

This is what happens when people think just electing the president is enough. You end up with Ryan and McConnell holding pregnant women currently or in danger of contracting Zika hostage to get to defund Planned Parenthood.

And this is why you have to show up to vote in 2018 when we don’t have a sexy Presidential race on the ballot. Congress matters.

You are correct. I forgot this about Drake.

creating a hostile work environment by threatening to criticize staff members if they quit.

She has thus far refused to speak negatively about her ex-husband, which seems undeservingly patient of her.

Oh he’ll pivot, all right. Pivot from the mud pit to the feed trough.

Imagining your baby daughter’s future boobs. I cannot even complete my next thought, I am so disgusted.

This surprises me exactly ZERO PERCENT.

Celebrity virtue-signals with her totes progressive tweets.