Angie G

No worries. I’m a card carrying member of the Black Male Club©.

Now playing

Don’t forget her foray into Reality TV, where she got quickly and unceremoniously dispatched by a female lawyer who was NOT taking her crap. Pierson had the nerve to try to educate a group of black female attorneys about civil rights history and got her facts all screwed up. (oh, can I get perma-ungreyed for my bonus

Let’s remember she was arrested for shoplifting and was illegally collecting unemployment benefits while working (for pay) for Ted Cruz’s senate campaign. Donald Trump only hires the best people.

I mean this guy thinks “cultural issues” like sexism and transphobia are “distractions.” So yeah, i think he is gonna continue being a dick.

This is excellent news. It’s also just delightful watching CCA’s stock price plummet today. As of this comment it’s lost about 50% of its shareprice.

Hope nobody reading this is morally bankrupt enough to have investments in private prison corporations! (if you are: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha)

Making this about Schumer definitely falls into the “eating our own” problem a lot of internet feminism can have. So much energy goes into policing the mostly good who are not perfect, versus focusing on garbage like Metzger.

Yeah, anybody can block anybody on Twitter. If the first I hear of you as a person is you up in my @s yelling at me about something (at the same time that THOUSANDS OF OTHER PEOPLE ARE ALSO YELLING AT ME IN MY @S) I would feel no compunction blocking you, and fuck anyone who tells me I am obligated to patiently let

Sorry but #imwithher. It’s not even “explain yourself!” It’s “explain this third person you have a Contractual relationship with that might take more than 2 minutes to deal with” on a day where seme would seemingly have a million other things to deal with due to her book. I dont expect everyone to have immediate

How fascinating that being your kid’s best friend is the reason Katie Holmes is a 5/5 mom and Jada Pinkett Smith is a 1/5 mom. I wonder what on earth the difference between these two women could possibly be to provoke such disparate reactions to the same information. Hmmm.

I’d ask where you go to make these, but I think that tool would be too powerful for anyone but you to wield. You’re our hobbit, who can resist its corruption.

The entire song’s lyrics are oddly fitting concerning Shortchange Stubfinger.

That’s the statement of a deeply disturbed person.

Counterpoint: Nobody gives a fuck what Omarosa says.

Well, shit, that doesn't sound ominous at all

Really chomping at the bit here to learn more than we already know about an orange buffoon and a beleaguered woman who really, really wants this.

If only there was model the US could work off of that would allow affordable health care for all that would not be subject to the whims of the marketplace and private corporations bottom lines. But alas, who can conceive of such a thing.....

Thank you! Do you have a favorite in this?

Late stage syphilis

Well that’s too bad, I thought he was pretty funny and spoke the truth. Good luck, Mike Yard- your deadpan was gold.

Would rather have seen Trevor Noah go.