Angie G

That was both funny and frightening. Was that outrage that a random stranger pre-ignored them on social media because acting like an unpaid gate keeper is a red flag/ stranger danger or just attention seeking. Post Kardashian I really can;t tell anymore.

The hands down most requested is the Italian Rum cake, I make it at least 8 times between thanksgiving and new years.

I am going to miss Mike and Holly so much. They are the reasons I kept watching the show while it found its groove.

I have a friend who btings bags of ice.

Kara, you are talking out of your ass. Tupperware is only in plastic. And don’t talk shit about glass pyrex, people will fight you for talking shit about pyrex.

OMG, this is why I learned to cook. I love that feeling when everyone likes what I made.

I’m hoping the Secret Service officer were able to realize that shit could get ugly and if it all went to hell there weren’t enough of them to control a raging stampede of walking dumpster fire people. Once they realized that they were more likely protecting an asshole from himself and his true believers than

Best part of this story is this comment. Phil K. Dick refrences make me giddy.

Because some people are confused. if you are uncertain if your partner’s actions are romantic or abusive just remember romantic is something that is done FOR you and not TO you.

I will watch every episode and keep it on my DVR to rewatch again and again.

That’s wonderful. One more great thing about Canada.

Fuck. I lost a day somewhere this week and I was hoping for the Saturday night social post. My Dad has hospice care, I am his primary caregiver and I was looking to read about people having good weeks, doing cool shit and what they are drinking. Now it’s all sports ball and Nationalism, bah.

One of my fondest childhood memories was seeing Star Wars with my Dad and years later realizing how excited he was that I got the Sci-fi obsession so we always had a common language to share that no one else in the family spoke.

You do realize that most of the chicken/dairy farms are no where near the jobs, schools or anything else people want to live near. There aren’t many dairy farms taking up space in New York City or San Fransisco. They are in places that should be called east fucking nowhere.

I am hoping with all of my might that this case gets to the deposition stage. I will read the fuck out of those transcripts.

You forgot In Search Of... Because Lenard Nemoy was the shit!

This is brilliant. I wish I had more stars for you.

I just want to shake my fist at you. But I don’t have the energy because I am an old and I can’t shit on anyone who gets to write for a paycheck. Getting paid for writing is hard so good for you.

I lol’d.

I wonder about this with the Jesus Freaks I come into contact with: Is the Fox Gospel more important to them than the actual fucking Gospel?