Angie G

A pretty hairdo can’t hide an ugly mind.

I was hoping for a Pennywise reference. This guys is a scary fucking clown.

I’m sorry you have to deal with this everyday. It must be exhausting.

PTSD isn’t a get out of jail free card. PTSD may explain what he did, it doesn’t excuse it. PTSD is a serious condition that needs treatment for those who suffer from it and empathy and understanding from the rest of us. If the Palin family was so worried about Track why wasn’t he getting treatment before he beat his

She’s shit and she behaved like shit but she knows what an apology looks like. At least she didn’t apologize like shit So one out of three.

All of the major religions see women as less than. From original sin to being unclean because of menstruation the list of reasons to diminish women is endless. Women have always been property. Add a changing and advancing world, mix in women being able to make choices and have control of themselves, then add a sick

Starred for wonderful hashtag use.

I am going to spend the rest of my life looking for ways to use ‘circus train derailment’ in conversation. Thank you for giving my life purpose.

You win!

The recipes are simple with limited ingredients so substitutions based on budget restraints are super easy. All you need is a roll of the paper and a 1/4 or 1/2 sheet pans and you can have yummy goodness in no time.

Parchment cooking is the best thing ever is you are only cooking for one. And this is the book that I love:

As a prospective employee: I had just turned 18.When slubby, unshaved, guy who owned the store showed me the uniform and told me I could just try it on right there in is office. I told him to fuckity fuck fuck right off, I also called the police and let them know. I also called his wife, because fuck that guy.

No need to rush, sit, relax, have a drink.

Free milk and cookies sounds badass. But they have to be homemade cookies, none of that factory bullshit.

So the Washington Post is now publishing the written version of the student dork asking the super hot model to his prom video? Forced birthers are asking Trump to their prom now? Their prom being a bunch of hostile, misogynist assholes yelling at women trying to get into a building.

My Mom when never good with the life lesson stuff, love her to pieces but she is feckless. One handy thing she did tell me was:

I’m calling shenanigans on Kirstie. There is no way the tabloids were writing about anyone she knows well enough to call any stories lies. I don’t think Co$ allows her any friends outside of the fold. So unless there were multiple stories about Tom Cruise and John Travolta she’s making shit up.

What they want to know are names. They want to be able to harrass and possibly physically harm the right people. They are just pissed these kids get the same rights as their white kids and it pisses them off.Somehow they know brown kids are so different that minors do not deserve protection under the law that their

Every time this link is posted I click and i laugh.

That’s the sugar high talking.