
There’s also the issue that basically all of those ballots are likely to ruled invalid because they haven’t been properly filled out. To collect someone else’s absentee ballot in California, the person collecting it has to be identified on the outside of the ballot by the person voting. You can’t just drop it in a box

archaeologist here. I can see where the confusion with race comes from, considering modern society is OBSESSED with race...but in this instance, black Cleopatra just wouldn’t be historically accurate at all.

Hate to tell you, but Biden will have to spend at least three years fixing all the shit Trump fucked up. The FBI, the EPA, the CDC, the USPS, the Education Department, HUD, international trade agreements and relations, etc. etc. etc. And that’s not counting all the cabinet positions that aren’t officially filled and

Fresno and Orange county are solid red counties, which is interesting, given that they were likely to get caught and their message seems most likely to net Republican voters. Seems like this was most likely to have a negative effect on Republican votes, but perhaps there’s an angle I’m missing here. Maybe they’re

America (the culture) has lied to me from an early age. America made me feel uncomfortable in my own skin. American made me feel uncomfortable speaking in public. America made me feel uncomfortable about my brown skin and my Latino culture. America made me feel less than ________. America made me a mental patient.

America: When An Ideal Becomes A Product

Of course she was petite by today’s standards, she lived over 2,000 years ago and came from a long line of inbreeding. Her first husband was her brother. Inbreeding is inbreeding, regardless of ethnicity, so we probably shouldn’t get too fixated on physical features or else Steve Buscemi would probably be the better

Cleopatra’s suspected mother was African in the same way that Egyptians are African. If by mixed-race you mean Greek and Egyptian, sure. In any case, I’m sure Egyptians would not be happy with this casting for a whole host of legitimate reasons.

All the Americans being inadvertently racist with their weird US categorizations applied to Mediterranean cultures and this is the one take that actually thinks about it with something resembling a non-US-centric view.

So I have no clue if it’ll be a big deal, but hey, that’s the opinion I’d like to hear about.

Egyptians are Africans.

That’s an interesting point about Pearl WANTING Angelina to play her.  Do you go against the wishes of the original author/subject?  Do her wishes count more or less as a woman of color?  I’m genuinely not being snarky, I can just see how there’s a weird, perhaps no, way to navigate that so that everyone’s happy.

I can’t wait to hear what Egyptians say o an Israeli playing Cleopatra. 

I’m wondering from that article how they determined Arsinoe was “African”- was that genetic testing or analyzing why they thought the bones looked like? The BBC news article isn’t very exact. According to the wiki page, that guy was using craniometry which is basically nonsense science that’s been dead since the 19th

Society can only benefit from a world where boys and men are taught to express emotions openly, that “feminine” and “feeble” are not synonymous, that speaking in a fake Batman voice and puffing your chest out a la Nick Jonas in “Jealous” is small dick energy

While I don’t much care for his body of work, I can appreciate Harry Styles for wearing blouses and dresses and not making a big deal about it.

tbf, James is kind of an asshat too.

I’m not surprised. Even Manson had his groupies.

Caitlyn Jenner isn’t trans represenation.