
I believe Americans sent a Republican president and a Republican Senate to Washington to ensure we have an impartial judiciary that upholds the Constitution and the rule of law.

And the progressives stay home because this candidate or that candidate didn’t inspire them. So instead of getting some of what you want, you get nothing. Great job.

What does this have to do with the center? It is the purists who’ve been staying home. It is the youth who talk a big game on social media then don’t bother to show up.

Yup. Tired of people saying Obama and Ginsberg should have somehow foreseen this, but they  themselves didn’t have the sense to use their franchise.

Never underestimate internet commenters capacity for not knowing how the US government actually works.  But you better believe they’re going to be very angry that it doesn’t work the way they think it should.

This. All day.

As others have said, they have zero leverage in terms of parliamentary ability. About the only thing that might work is to threaten, either publicly or privately, that if the Rs push ahead and do this, that the Democrats will commit to packing the Court (This really only works though if we can get Biden and a Senate

I’m shocked he would do such a thing!

So.... another stimulus check, weekly unemployment at $600/week for out of work Americans, the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act and The John Lewis Voting Rights Bill all that the House passed that are currently sitting in the Senate for months haven’t even been brought to the floor for a vote but Moscow Mitch will

Does it still count as hypocrisy when everyone on the planet knew his reason for ignoring Garland was complete bullshit? Who can possibly be surprised at what he’s doing now?

The spoiler candidate is a real thing. 3rd parties cannot win and voting for a candidate that cannot win over one that can, when there is a tyrant trying to win is absolutely on you.

Sure hope that moral stand they took by refusing to vote for Hillary keeps them safe at night while the country burns.


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Fu*k all these liberal purists who are all “my way or the highway”, but don’t realize sometimes you need to accept the ‘lesser evil’ to move society just a little more towards your beloved political ideology. For all the Bernie bros who sat 2016 out or those who voted third party or

Did you think this actually made sense?

This is on all the Democrats that stayed home even though a Supreme Court seat was up for grabs because they didn't like Clinton. This is on all the people that voted Jill Stein. 

Thanks for this. Purity posse protesting & writing “scathing” articles after trump’s inauguration, when all the mofo’s had to do was stand in a effin line & vote for the ONLY sane choice in 2016.

Of course they can. Republicans own the senate and only need a majority vote. So, mitch gets a third sc judge

It’s our fault in the sense that we never took midterms or downballet races seriously. We might vote for president if we feel inspired enough and then we just expect them to fix everything on their own. Republicans are a walking argument for genocide but the one thing they understood was that if you want power you