Well they can only buy off 50% of the front runners. This isn’t about them winning. The fear driving them into the race is what keeps me fro flipping out when Bernie and Warren have a bad poll.
Well they can only buy off 50% of the front runners. This isn’t about them winning. The fear driving them into the race is what keeps me fro flipping out when Bernie and Warren have a bad poll.
I tend to disagree. But I know people who rehabilitate bad peoples dogs and rehome them with good humans. Even a pitbull raised to fight other dogs (and people) and rip them to shreds can be rehabilitated if someone cares enough.
The whole “life changing” to an already thin woman, and the documentary of her 1 year “journey” was what makes this commercial annoying to me. Not that a man would give his wife exercise equipment.
Funny note; when Mr Tits saw this add, the gift itself is what he thought was ridiculous. I had to let him know that I Do…
I feel like we’re displacing our disgust with Ivanka onto her dog.
Fair, they do all look alike.
I highly doubt it. I keep searching for anything saying he’s supposed to be in the upcoming debate and not finding it. I would love to know where this is coming from, because I’m only seeing it here. All I find are think pieces about how his Not being in the debates is somehow a positive for his campaign.
This self-funded operation has caused Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders to accuse him of buying the election. Meanwhile, Cory Booker is thinking about the next debate: Bloomberg has already qualified, but neither Booker nor any other non-white candidate still standing (Andrew Yang, Tulsi Gabbard) has.
LOL. You think anyone in his circle tells him anything negative? Oh sweet summer child.
This. That’s a color corrector. I know the product page says “concealer” but it also comes in green, and purple. Those are color correctors. If you’re really dedicated, you can certainly spread concealer over your whole face. It would explain why he looks so dreadfully matte.
His whole response was so, weird. Just weird.
He’s going to repeatedly face this line of questioning. The impeachment will keep Hunter and the Ukraine front and center in the minds of voters. This is how he’s going to react? We haven’t even gotten to the big show where he’s going to be facing this from a political…
It does indeed appear shopped. That weird hard outline around them. And that one of her alone. Screams cut and paste.
It’s actually proved relatively tame considering the subject matter. Then again, this is the Jez comment section, not Splinter.
Most of us understand the difference between a toxic portion of Bernie supporters and the man himself. For must of us, not wanting him to throw his hat in this round wasn’t based on holding…
Yeah, 13-16 is gross. His behavior prior even grosser, topped by how he seems to think this is normal. Blech.
Every time time that guy gives an interview, he never fails to make me cringe in some way. His entire commentary about his daughter is just, ick. He must have done some predatory shit in his past, because…
Ew. Three years may not be a huge time differential, but in terms of development between 13-16? That’s a pretty big gap. Legal in most states, but gross.
Also, his commentary on how “scared” he is about raising a daughter. Yuck. That all revolves around internalizing his own guilt for past (maybe even current) predatory…
Williamson isn’t making anyone look bad anymore though. When was the last time you saw, read, or heard about her campaign? I’m not even getting the FB spam adds in my feed anymore.
That’s what she was on about? I’ve seen the clip playing next to the headline, but didn’t know what she was saying.
This is reminds me of my (lapsed) catholic dad lecturing me about how I shouldn’t use “hate” because it’s “too strong a word”. My eyes reflectively rolled upon reading it. Uuugh.
I don’t like furthering his narrative by calling him “Pete”. It seems to generate false familiarity. It feels like part of the marketing ploy to make him more palatable to the masses that has been shoved down our throat since day one.
Unlike many politicians we refer to by their first name, he is relatively new, has…
True. He was smeared pretty good for pointing out how stupid Beto was on immigration. Particularly for someone from Texas.
Also, you’re only showing your own homophobia by trying to cast this as homophobic. Is anal sex some how derogatory? Are gay persons the only people you think engage in anal sex? For that matter, are men required for anal sex?
He doesn’t seem to be handling that last part well, either (witness the lame “the other Rhodes Scholar running” bit from his campaign).
Considering how often this is trotted out by stans of Butts, and the media in general, pointing out that nobody is talking about the black man being a Rhodes Scholar with the same…