
Fuck, don’t get me started of focus group gay Biden.

But things like Opportunity Zones don’t tarnish a candidate across the base. Only the more left of the party think these are bad. Or even understand how they work, or what the potential for negative impact really is. The left leaning centrists, and progressives that don’t embrace the “leftist” label seem to be more

Why Booker though? What did he do that was so bad? Well, other than come after Obama.

They honestly would not give a fuck if Kamala’s record as an AG was largely spotless and an exemplar of being a reform minded public official. They’d find the one or two inevitable mistakes that cannot be avoided in a multi-decade career in public service (Lest we forget, “daddy” voted for the ‘94 crime bill) and

I thought the number after their names was votes cast. But I just realized it’s their “seed” number. LOL

I expected her campaign to be a bit more impressive than it was. She just seemed to struggle with having much to differentiate herself from other moderate candidates. She wasn’t my personal favorite, but she was higher on my list than others. I’m interested in pushing more progressive candidates in the primary, but

How in all hells is Megan McCain not polling ahead of Williamson? We’re subjected to a weekly update of McCain’s asshatery, while Williams was effectively cancelled once she dropped off the debate stage.

It’s rage inducing. That they think this argument holds any water. Then the realization that it actually Does for the majority of their base.

“The democrats have been out to get him since his election. Why can’t they just wait until the people have a chance to speak with their ballot?” that has become the BS talking point of the past few weeks. From sycophantic mouthpieces, shitty ass memes, and the brain dead Boomers that sit 10 ft away from me at the

My primary color choices for clothing happen to be black, purple, and blue. The purple pantone year was good to me. I see this color will also go well with my favorite new boots. The trend of bright and warm colors has made clothes shopping difficult.

So yes, this will successfully increase my consumption in the

LOL. I like how they implied you need a pair. It seems their tiny internet balls got stuck in their zipper after I promised to feed it curb for spamming my feed. 

Moisturizing regularly and using sunblock do wonders for that. There’s minimally invasive lift procedures that tighten things up. But this woman has altered the actual planes of her face. Her cheeck bones themselves are in a different position

*Squees * Must...Resist 

Lol he’s cute, but I’m a dog person.

Maybe a little socialist, but not communist.

Or what you pathetic stain? You’ll ruin my good name with randos I don’t know irl? Unmask my secret identity? Show up at my house, and I’ll feed your bitch as my boot heel for three mealsand finish with a deep ditch.

This one?

They weren’t actually spoofing the shots we were being spammed with. Pants and Hombre did tell him off. The skidmark had it coming imo.

Oops. I missed the other misinformation provided.

Sallie Mae is still in business. Still doing student loans on the private side. While they’re not issuing new federal loans, they’re still servicing and profiting off the old ones.

It’s almost like the solution would be to ensure women get paid as much as men in the first place.