
The color palette of this shoe in the photo is varying shades of baby shit. No, prison shower shoes in baby shit green are not ok. 

And here we have an example of a real life Serena Joy in the wild. 

The inability to gif through the firewall at work is preventing me from properly expressing my rage. Can I get some flames out the side of my face? Or something equally suitable? That would be great.

This tracks.

While I want to see him honored, I’m not as confident in troll patrol here as I am in The Root. I took a peek at the greys on their post, and they’re dismiss fingers are burning today. It’s pretty damned vitriolic.

Right? It’s just so flabbergasting. They’ve done it so many times now that I experience a checklist of reactions. Like this:


Every day the entire Trump clan does or says something that displays a truly staggering lack of self awareness. It’s mind blowing really, and they keep one upping themselves. Like it’s some kind of whack ass contest. Is this a contest?


Bubbling on several left leaning sites. Clearly stated here by his stans every time the Warren/Bernie comparison comes up.

I mean who want’s to eat a potato that looks like Jeremy Renner? I’m not putting that shit in my mouth.

The packaged soundbites are really only getting major play in the right wing echo chambers anyway. They’re already a lost cause. The election is going to be won by driving out the existing base, and winning over infrequent/first time voters and people who aren’t usually tuned in to politics. Warren is a former

FFS Giant Meteor is the hero we deserve.

“Every one look at the ratings on my new show America: The Shitstorm Circus. Many people are saying they like what they see all the time, 50% of the time! It’s perfect! No one has done better!”


I can never remember a POTUS bragging about 50%. This is bananas. Also, I wonder if he’s confusing the percentage of Americans who approve impeaching his ass.

Won’t someone think of Matt Lauer! Heartless wretches!


Whut? What exchange/answer are they using as a basis for this shit?

One of those ugly ass lumpers from the old country. 

Would watch.

My favorite Bernie face was a side shot of him while Steyer was on about economic equality. I could practically hear “Something smells like bull shit, and I think it’s Tom Steyer.”

I’m amazed at how many people missed the joke. I thought it was hilarious.