Prepare to be shocked! Well not really. I’m already seeing the tinfoil coming out of the hardest BOB’s in my feeds.
Prepare to be shocked! Well not really. I’m already seeing the tinfoil coming out of the hardest BOB’s in my feeds.
Like I said, your lack of understanding the gravitas of what is happening from across the pond is not something I’m willing to put more effort into solving. I’ve spent enough time attempting to explain it to you. I mean absolutely no snark in wishing you a nice day, night or whatever over there.
I dislike this framing, as it buys right into Republican talking points. It’s not about how we pay for M4All; it’s about how on earth we are already paying for the current healthcare debacle in this country.
I agree and disagree. I agree because right wing talking points piss me off with their logical fallacies and…
Except Bernie has already acknowledged that, while on stage with her. Refusing to answer has been taken of the table now that the person that wrote the bill, that she’s endorsed, and is running on, has owned it.
This isn’t some shady parliamentary move by BOJO to waste time, or congressional theater ala Bengazi. This is serious shit. That’s exactly why the left here has been screaming for impeachment for years. Not to mention that Manning is cooling her heels in a jail cell for refusing to testify in an investigation…
I figured the fine was some bs like 300 bucks based on when the process was written, and we had done away with it due to lack of use. Like the congressional Sgt At Arms.
Still, the only reason they would give him a slap on the wrist would be his compliance. They need his testimony for the impeachment. They’re not…
There was Beto O’Rourke, who described her popular wealth tax and general campaign posture as “punitive” and “pitting some part of the country against the other.”
So while she’s been held in solitary for months now I can imagine Giuliani getting a fine and shorter time instead.
Pete and his focus group bs need to fuck off and drop out.
Here’s to hoping the FBI decides to work with a state DA to get him charged. I don’t think Trump can pardon a charge of contempt for refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena.
While I agree that voluntary M4A is likely what we’ll end up with, that’s not really what Pete is proposing. He’s proposing a buy in to medicare. If we make it a public option, it needs to be a free (or next to it) option. What we’ve seen so far with public option plans is that they’re not much cheaper than private…
After last nights double sided talk of Syria, I’m starting to come around to your suspicion of her being a plant.
First: The pull out of the troops was some type of net positive for America, because we need to end “regime change wars”. That doesn’t make me an Assad apologist!
After Biden* calls BS on her casting Syria…
lol, she was winding up for it last night, and AC straight cut her off.
But surely on a contempt charge there is a range of options regarding the punishment, some of which are lesser than others?
Not really. It seems you’re still confusing this process with criminal proceedings resulting from the special prosecutor investigation. Which I get because the Mueller report and its fallout were…
Not to mention the squad is the singular success of Justice Democrats can lay claim to. The PAC founded by his former campaign leaders. They were always in his camp.
I’m more surprised at how many people didn’t see this coming.
He endorsed their primary runs, and a PAC run by the former leadership of his 2016 campaign was the driving monetary force behind those campaigns. They’ve always been in the Bernie camp. I’m more surprised that anyone considers this “news”.
This whole exchange was cringe worthy. He’s screaming at her out of nowhere. What is he this defensive about? He keeps side barring “not me” any time she brings up opposition. His defensiveness makes me think he Was shit stirring behind the scenes. Why else would he be so butthurt about this response.
What I found…
This whole exchange was so unhinged. He just snapped.
No premium union insurance is nice. It’s also a rarely seen benefit nowadays. The unions that managed to keep it had to make significant sacrifices to do so. Mr Tits is a pilot, and it’s not even a consistent benefit with the union airlines at this point. All of those airlines that kept it forced their pilots…