
On the Native American front: So many (outside of Native communities themselves) who are outraged over this are just not aware of how common this is where she grew up. If I had a dime for every “1/16" or “1/32" native who’s car was covered in “native pride” shit that I ran into in OK, I would be one rich bitch.


I mean, she’s from Oklahoma. I’ve lived there, and can attest that southern women know how to gut a fish. We may just see a murder.

Weird. Cause I’m running Chrome. My laptop might as well be a desktop since the ethernet is plugged in.

Nope. I’m on a laptop with LAN connected. 

Off topic:

Kinja won’t let us look at the greys now? This the new state of things? How could that possibly end badly?

Right? It’s a common argument for the TERFs that has made its way into more than one post in my feed from excessively “woke” friends. Just more anecdotal evidence to my opinion that the political spectrum is more circular than linear.

And then one day, while the two were in his office, Smith shut the door and tried to grab her. (This is an incident that Warren has spoken of in the past, including, in a fucking incredible move, during the eulogy she gave at Smith’s funeral.)

And people think she can’t go toe to toe with Agent Orange. That’s some

Seriously, these questions were Extremely leading. Unless you spend a lot of time reading up on TERFs and their arguments, one could easily fall for these traps. Obviously Chelsea does, as do many in her generation and younger. Hilary answered the way I expect a politician to do when they sense a trick question, but

I’ve seen this argument presented, yes. In fact, a transwoman I’m friends with (a lesbian with a no penis preference) was told She was transphobic by another transwoman because of her sexual preferences.

He’s overplaying his hand. Both he and his cult of personality overestimate how many voters embrace socialism to the exclusion of capitalism. Just because it’s no longer an effective boogeyman in the Dem base doesn’t mean the majority consider capitalism a deal breaker. Also, most rational people who understand the

Face resembles a punchable potato.

Liz Cheney taking a page from the domestic violence handbook. “You made me do it!”

Soulless wretched fell right underneath that tree. 

Off topic, Kinja is duplicating replies when we respond to each others posts.

I mean, he straight admits to holding her documents prisoner right there. This man is trash. 

Crashing in like the Kool Aid man and shit.

You mean like a witness?

Guy who makes douchey commercials is apparently an asshole. Color me surprised.

Agreed. There are some accounts pulled out here that I’m like “you even look at their history?” Some straight misogynist shit back there. Lazy.

I’m waiting eagerly to see if Pence suffers from the same level of stupidity/narcissism as Trump. If he throws himself under the bus, I may just die laughing.

Maybe now, a legitimately progressive blog can take their place.

FFS this. Splinter had become a caricature of a progressive blog. It was starting to push right wing talking points with more inclusive language.