
The Slot was, and still is, part of Jezebel.

They either don’t want him to win, or they’re suffering from such massive echo chamber based arrogance that they can’t see how this can harm him. I’m having a hell of a time deciding which it is. Hell, maybe both.

Cosigned. I’ve lived in a red state. Can confirm.

Remind me who the snowflakes are again? The precious dip shits apparently didn’t get the memo.

Or having a drivers license in general FFS. Like, I’m white, and I grew up dirt poor. I didn’t have a license until I was over 30. My parents couldn’t shell out 80 bucks for drivers ed in high school. I couldn’t go get it outside of the program, because the broke down piece of shit family car wouldn’t pass muster for

I’ve got five on this. Also Baraka, I’ve seen his ass creeping around the greys here for the past month or so.

Honestly, the campaign almost seems to be sabotaging itself. Not just with how their mouthpieces are acting online. This NYT piece suddenly focusing on how large of a role his wife plays not only in his campaign, but co-writing some of his legislation may just end up blowing up in their face.

Remember that whole loan

Oh certainly not. I was referring to the trolls.

No. It wasn’t you or any other commenters making grounded arguments for Any candidates. It was writers who couldn’t take the heat for their hot takes, and an infestation of troll accounts. It had become a cesspool that many long time readers had written off. So many bad faith actors starting arguments about their words

If it’s any consolation, I’m noticing the stans in my feed are getting way less traction with the Warren tinfoil than they did with Hillary. So at least some of them learned their lesson. On the other hand, it’s the self avowed feminists who are pushing the Warren tinfoil. They are the “worker than thou” types though.


She’s such a leftist, we can’t even comprehend it. Apparently we need edgelord harder. 

The refusal of his campaign to recognize they’ve hit their ceiling is something to behold. He had way more momentum last time.

Agreed. I was giving him the benefit of the doubt internally. “He’s not toxic, it was the Bernie Bro’s. Don’t blame him for his fans.”

But nah, now he’s just showing us that he drank the Kool Aid and went back for seconds.

I’ve been keeping track of the troll circles in prep for Shit Storm Circus II (i.e. Warren clinching the dem nom for 2020). A lot of the accounts that follow the trolls are pulled from the greys here. Hell, some of them are approved commenters here, but not there.

I look forward to being proven wrong, but am prepared

Well, they did put them out of their misery. So at least there’s that.

Now we just have to tighten up the troll patrol for the influx. Here and The Root are the biggest Gawker targets for people who want to own the libs.

Splinter had absorbed a couple of the Jez writers if I recall correctly. Would be nice to have them back.

*cackles in petty*

My eyes got stuck rolling at Tulsi Gabbards BS.

Trump trying to spin enabling genocide as an end to war is on brand.

Trash people are trash, news at 11.

Seriously. Bernie had a legitimate gripe with the DNC. He also polled Considerably higher than Tulsi Gabbard. I’m sure she’s been able to find a few voters to reinforce her echo chamber, but she can’t regularly crack 3% in polls.

We’re just not that into you Tulsi. Move on.