
But ‘enlightened centrist’ Jerykk has to be here to white knight for the poor defenseless blood libel game. Just like the white knight for hateful bullshit and billionaires every day all day. But totally not because they’re also hateful and using the old “pretend to be more reasonable than the people you’re harming”

Other data may well show if Hogwarts was a commercial success - I don’t doubt WB has tons of data - but other data isn’t this data, and this data is the data I called meaningless. This table only uses revenue, which can’t indicate commercial success by itself, but on top of that the table doesn’t even show the revenue

If you want to be a gatekeeping douchebag, go for it.

“Having a mild interest in something doesn’t make you fan.”

Yes, to both, for a variety of reasons. It would be asinine to believe otherwise.

If humans were rational actors like you’re claiming, advertising wouldn’t be a thing. Neither would sales. You’re in denial of basic human nature.

Most of us middle aged people *can* afford $70, but many of us are also cheap and wait for a sale. Are you new to human psychology? This is basic stuff.

If you genuinely believe there aren’t 22 million middle aged HP fans with a nostalgia itch, you’re delusional. I would bet that demographic is the overwhelming majority of the sales.

Must be nice to have infinite disposable income.

“It’s reasonable to assume that Harry Potter fans would have purchased the game within the first month or so.”

What multi billion dollar franchise is The Day Before attached to?

Might be a regional thing, might be I’m old.

Most developers aren’t making AAA budget licensed games. If they are, 8/10 isn’t a success.

That’s how ratings work. Either a product has 4 stars on Amazon, or it’s bad. That’s 8 out of 10. Any competently executed product should be able to hit that score, especially when it has a AAA budget.

“Mighty” is a hilariously stupid word to use. To me, that would be 10/10. I would never use a word like that to describe an 8.

In a purely utilitarian sense, Rowling has done more harm to humanity.

Michael Jackson never advocated for a genocide. He also had better video games.

She has called for the eradication of a group of people. She is below shit, as is anyone who defends her.

You’re commenting twice about this here.

Rowling is a cunt, just like you.