
Nimona is SO GOOD

A lot like what it felt like from inside of T-Mobile after they went public and then merged with Metro and then Sprint. It became much more Metro and Sprint, internally, and there’s a reason those companies were failing. Management making increasingly poor decisions while bleeding employees and never replacing them.

Imagine being told how you’re born or how you live your life is “political” and not for public consumption.‘

A) Most parents aren’t terminally online dorks or regular Fox News watchers, and thus don’t care about “wokeness”

Thank you for speaking truth to po- HAHA sorry couldn’t keep a straight face.  You sound like a fucking dumb fuck.

If parents don’t want their kids seeing politically charged woke content, parents aren’t going to subscribe to Disney+ or take their families to Disney movies.

Are you kidding me? What you mean to say is that popular media no longer contains politics that you like.

All media is political, it’s ridiculous to act otherwise.

Not sure I agree with your Newsmax police work given the biggest box office hit of 2023 (to shake your snowflake brain, this is a transgender Barbie):

Tbf, a lot of beloved series turned Netflix adaptations do this too to less flaming. Some shows benefit the most from pacing as a slow-cooked meal mostly to express how certain characters grow over time. Netflix doesn’t care and only want their abridged versions. I argue that AtlA is one of those shows that benefits

Disney’s relationship with queer characters isn’t “baffling” at all. Disney is probably the most worldwide media creation company that has ever existed. Everything they do is viewed through the lens of “how will this play in New York City...AND..Podunk, Idaho....AND various regimes in the Middle East and Asia”, and

It was just so, so good. As a fan of the web comic, I would have been happy with just OK, but it blew all my expectations out of the water. Why am I not rewatching it right now?

It’d be great if Nimona won the Oscar, although Spider-Verse 2 is definitely deserving as well. But I love seeing non-Disney studios run away with animated feature.

watched it with my 70 year old dad and 10 year old son.  all 3 of us enjoyed it a lot.  My dad didn’t even notice the two men’s relationship

Loved the movie, loved the source material, have nothing to add except...

^This. Nimona was the best film I saw last year. And what a year it was for animated: Spiderverse, TMNT, and Nimona.

Disney’s first gay, cancelled, yet without them oscar-nominated, movie

Pretty much everything about Nimona was superior animation. The writing, the voice acting, the artistry, the rapid world development ... it just outstrips any current (non-Ghibli) contender. (and this from a pretty jaded sour ol’ critic)

It’s not entirely clear what Porter did to anger the people at Fairshake”

That was a good part though. “Should we have a party for him or something?

At least I get a kick out of offending these particular people.