
I’m shocked, *shocked*, that kitty pulled out the slurs.

It’s the one relevant to the site, and they still used it as evidence against him when we all know they’re just pixels and it isn’t real.

I get your point and we likely agree for the most part but even the use of “weasel out of it” rubs me wrong. Nobody should ever feel bad or wrong or judged for not wanting to kill another person. There is no such thing as weaseling out of conscription.

But it’s essentially the headline that the fucking LINKED ARTICLE USED. And “just one of many pieces of evidence”? WHAT EVIDENCE? The article points out the *lack* of evidence for the defense. But then you should ask what SK wanted as “evidence” of his status. Like if you’re not out on the street proselytizing

As a sign of X Corp’s commitment to free speech”

By the ‘logic’ on display here, the great turtle-stomping epidemic of the 80s caused by Super Mario Bros must have been horrific! Oh, right. That never happened. Because that’s not how this works. That’s not how ANY of this works.

The court system in SK seems very petty, vindictive and childish, sending the message of ‘don’t challenge us or else’. Forcing young people to participate in something they are morally against is not going to create a soldier who is ready to defend against an invasion from the North. It’s going to create a soldier who

I presume this case was presided over by Judge Orson Scott Card

This reeks of boomer energy where they assume playing video games makes you a serial killer. 

Great to know Korea’s Supreme Court basically operates on the same moral intelligence level as teen fanfic writers.

Yeah, it’s not for everyone. Me, on the other hand, I had a significant improvement in my mental health and mood as part of working from home. I find the office environment pretty unbearable. 

First of all, the fact that you work with Sensitive Personal Information from home is not a big deal. Ask me how I know.

My father was an investment/equities analyst for a long time. He once told me that the highest cost of doing business was ego.

I think in a very well-run company that’s probably true. Unfortunately, those are rare, because (amongst other things) the markets disincentivize that sort of stability.

I think middle management as nothing but someone to “crack the whip” never made much sense. In a well-run company, people who are managing others are also doing substantive work themselves. Ideally, they are subject matter experts over and above their reports and can use that expertise to make sure their reports are

This isn’t about “we should abandon offices entirely”, what is being argued is that this current forceful push to get everyone into the office is bad, as many do better at home. The smugness comes from people being told by their companies that everyone working in the office is superior, while all research says that

WFH has shown that middle management is all but obsolete, and no longer needed to effectively drive employees to better work metrics.

It really makes you wonder how fucking bad management needs that control that they are willing to sacrifice profits to make it happen. Every single other time a company makes a decision, the ultimate answer is “bUT thE prOfITs!!!!” and yet here, its “fuck profits, get them in NOW”. It’s wild and once again calls into

Yep. Hell, where I work, even those who were full time WFH before the pandemic are being mandated to return to office.  Don’t live near one of the offices designated as a “hub?” Move or quit; those are your options.

Of course it was nothing but a power grab. Just about every single productivity metric went up for most companies during that year, as did profits.