
A lot like what it felt like from inside of T-Mobile after they went public and then merged with Metro and then Sprint. It became much more Metro and Sprint, internally, and there’s a reason those companies were failing. Management making increasingly poor decisions while bleeding employees and never replacing them.

Imagine being told how you’re born or how you live your life is “political” and not for public consumption.‘

I have never hit a search engine so fast. Thank you. 

Fair. Certainly less easy to just dismiss and move on. 

I’m shocked, *shocked*, that kitty pulled out the slurs.

Yeah, it’s not for everyone. Me, on the other hand, I had a significant improvement in my mental health and mood as part of working from home. I find the office environment pretty unbearable. 

Is this the part where I pretend to be surprised?

The fuck is this article?

I’ve never owned a GameCube or used one by choice so it’s a surprise to me. 

But ‘enlightened centrist’ Jerykk has to be here to white knight for the poor defenseless blood libel game. Just like the white knight for hateful bullshit and billionaires every day all day. But totally not because they’re also hateful and using the old “pretend to be more reasonable than the people you’re harming”

Once I finally got to watch Prodigy, I really liked it. It’s a bit too Star Wars-like at times, but, for the most part, it’s good show on its own.

Bold of them to assume anyone wants to use it at all much less not immediately rip it out of their Windows installation as quickly as possible. 

They’re all pretty awful.

JJ Trek doesn’t count.

I very much prefer waiting until it’s ready. Pressuring the devs to work faster happens too much in this industry as is. 

Such a shame. It’s the best movie Marvel has put out in years. 


Fuck Sky News (Fox, but Australian/British).

And there’s the pittance of a sum they’ll pay and the worthless platitudes they’ll speak to continue to operate as they always have with absolutely no improvement whatsoever.

It’s in the same family of behavior.