
Once I finally got to watch Prodigy, I really liked it. It’s a bit too Star Wars-like at times, but, for the most part, it’s good show on its own.

Yeah, Beyond has all of the trappings of the Kelvin movies that I dislike: too much action, trying to be too cool (motorcycle stunts), special effects that are too showy, etc. But at least at the center of the movie is an idea that’s passingly Trek: that diversity is good, the mission of the Federation is good, etc.

JJ shouldn’t touch anything trek

JJ has managed to significantly taint the reputation of two of the biggest science fiction franchises of the modern era. Much like Zack Snyder, he should stay behind the camera, and leave the writing and directing to others to better suited to such critical roles.

The Living Construct battle in the Prodigy season 1 finale deserves honorable mention. It gets overlooked sometimes for being a “kids show,” but it was fucking gut-wrenching watching all those Starfleet ships tear each other apart.

how I give them a $5 one-time fee and they keep all of this shit off of my devices? 

Bold of them to assume anyone wants to use it at all much less not immediately rip it out of their Windows installation as quickly as possible. 

Don’t get me wrong, I agree w/ all your points. JJ shouldn’t touch anything trek again, but that too seems to be a wish we won’t be getting as it was recently reported he wants to make another trek film.

Respectfully, maybe 2009 was better depending on nostalgia, but I reserve worst for Into Darkness. Portable transwarp beaming, Khan without context, and everyone on the promotions side saying “no, he’s not khan, he’s a brand new character we made up named John Harrison” to the point where we accepted it and then

They’re all pretty awful.

JJ Trek doesn’t count.

Exactly. Announce shit when you have real gameplay and a real expectation of hitting the release date. Pressuring Devs will just lead to rushed games and crunch. 

I very much prefer waiting until it’s ready. Pressuring the devs to work faster happens too much in this industry as is. 

Such a shame. It’s the best movie Marvel has put out in years. 

The Marvels was such a fun watch. It’s really a shame it did so badly. And yeah, while I didn’t hate Quantumania, it’s really only because I can’t hate anything with Paul Rudd in it. *Disclaimer: I haven’t watched everything that stars Paul Rudd. I may be proven wrong.

UGH Wanted to see the cut musical sequence in the deleted scenes. Also will stand by this movie, yes it had flaws and on the weaker side of the other films but 1) had great performances, 2) good editing with the teleporting fights, 3) legit laughs 4) Moved Carol’s story forward from the end of the first movie (glad


I’d like them to end it, to tie it up.  Season 2 had me hoping to see the Borg joining the Federation.

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