
There’s no need to announce that you’ve arrived. And you would be the inbred one because only someone whose parents were brother and sister who fucked could have as ignorant and uneducated an opinion as you. I wonder how easy it was for you type your response with six fingers and a tail. Honestly, Nigel, you suck and

The 7.6 is low for a Doctor Who episode.

Terfs love to pretend that they’re the majority, that they speak for all women, and so forth. This news is a nice reminder that they’re a tiny, tiny fringe group. And that’s an important thing for people to know.


hahaha how fragile are you that someone 13-14 takes puberty blockers and maybe gets on HRT in another fucking country upends you enough to point that out.

They Full well knew what they were doing.

Or it’s fun to mock the tiny number of BBC bigots obsessed with a teen girl’s naughty bits, refreshing to see that they’re losing, and amusing to see the BBC actually not be terrible for once after years of fomenting anti-trans bigotry in their reporting.

The even point it out in the episode its been 15 years since Donna had her problem. Ok fine but Donna had to pull herself together find a man get married and have a child . That would take at least a year or two.

I’m going to regret this but...

I hope the bullies and bigots realize that their hatred and vitriol have backfired terribly on them and pushed many of us who used to be more neutral or apathetic about LGBTQ issues into wholehearted supporters of the community.

144 out of 7.6 million isn’t a lot, fuck off with your trying to edge around your bullshit 

I was willing to look past Starfield’s flaws for awhile and enjoy it for what it was. I managed that for about 30 hours and did have fun with various side and faction quests. Then I decided to get back on the main quest and get some more powers. The game then devolved into go here, mine that. Fly around and grab

when the company’s defence is “you’re wrong, it’s supposed to be boring!” and “videogames are all bang-bang flashy zoom, nobody cares about the writing.”... ... kinda deserves to be shat upon.

Yes you can; Jesus, the world isn’t going to come crashing down if you admit your beloved game isn’t 100% perfect. Admittedly it is an extreme edge case, and is completely irreverent when discussing the game’s massive failings and non-existent strengths.

well your name lines up anyway.

My main beef with it is the way they make you land a mile away from your destination for no reason. If it does this, go back to the map and re-fast travel and it will put you right there. I think they did this in a misguided attempt to get you to explore the random rng locations that they scattered about, to make the

I played it for an hour and uninstalled. Just bad. I still don’t understand how some game designer who gets paid money for what he does thinks being able to run yourself to death is a good idea

wild i never thought i’d say this but, i went back to Skyrim for another go round and had more fun / memorable exp than the 30 hrs i put into Starfield

It still blows my mind that these are graphics from a modern game released by a AAA studio in 2023.

Not sure how there is all this surprise. Fallout 76 was the same issue and they would not or could not admit that their development was flawed. It took years for them to finally get around to fixing the issues that plagued that title.