
It’s in the same family of behavior. 

For some reason it reminds me of this.

Jeryyk’s really attached to their ‘middle of the road’ crap that seems to always defend and excuse racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, etc., etc.,… (and defending billionaires, too)

Homeboy’s head is so far up his ass he ain’t hearing right.  Didn’t expect anything to penetrate anyway, but at least I had fun.

Okay, let’s try walking through this: how specifically did minstrel shows entertain white people?

Dude, seriously? When “progressive” people say they want to see other people’s cultures represented, they mean, as a whole. They don’t mean they want to see small pieces of it, being used as decoration by a member of a majority.

You moron. The point of those shows was to entertain white people. You are so fucking stupid. The racism wasn’t the point, it was incidental. You’ve never heard of the “I have a black friend” trope?  It’s the same shit, ffs.

The people who used to put on the fuckin’ minstrel shows also thought they weren’t being offensive, so this argument is crap.

What the actual fuck? Where have you been in the last 10 years, under a rock? Were you aware at all of the hundreds of thousands of posts on Black Twitter and countless articles written about the Kartrashians (being the most visible example) darkening their skin, putting cornrows in their hair, getting big booty

Yeah it’s telling that he came in to a conversation about appropriation of Asian culture and was like "ALSO I WANT TO BE ABLE TO DO BLACKFACE!"

Fucking dumb isn’t it.”

“the design team only knows how to make costumes for slender white ladies" isn't the defense you think it is.

Yeah they can be but they very clearly are not upset about the boob armour, which is kind of funny.

If that were the case (creating a multi-cultural and diverse game), why aren’t skins transferable to any and every character? THAT would cover all the bases ... but since they don’t do that, and they have consistently given the Asian skins to the white lady character ... people are griping.

Considering that this is Mercy’s 5th lunar new years skin while several actual Asian characters don’t yet have one, it seems to me they are already bottling up each individual culture such that everyone stays in their respective lanes. Namely the white woman in the Asian lane, and the Asian character in nothing.

Let me know when an Asian character gets their 5th Switzerland skin.

*insert whatever mcree is called now lifeguard skin here*

I find it fascinating that progressive people in favour of representing other people’s cultures find it offensive when the “wrong” character attempts to showcase said culture.

but they’re okay with the misogynistic boob armor on a fighting hero?

People can be upset about multiple things you know. And individual people are very different with different likes and dislikes so lumping them all together as a monolith is kind of silly.