
Disagree with Captain Marvel being a bad film, but I agree with the rest, especially the idea that it’s death by a thousand cuts. This is also why a lot of the hand-wringing about ”why this film?” falls flat because people tend to concentrate on the one factor that killed it.

This. The studio didn’t know how to promote the movie, which was in large part because of the strike. John Carter was a decent movie let down by the studio having no clue how to promote it to audiences.

It was better by FAR than nearly everything else Marvel has released in theaters since Endgame. Spider-Man had the benefit of nostalgia, but even then, Marvels was easily better than Dr. Strange 2, Ant Man 3, The Eternals, and, hot take, Guardians 3. The only one that was nearly as fun as Marvels was Shang Chi. Marvel

You’re the first person I’ve seen say “this was always going to be a failure” who isn’t slinging dog-whistles for various forms of bigotry, so thank you.

You don’t spend time online much huh.

I mean, maybe? Certainly the Love & Thunder marketing leaned on the “You flicked too hard!” scene. (Now there’s a movie that I would charge with “bad writing”, except if it is really a stitched together mess of semi-improvised scenes, how much “writing” is there?)*

Captain Marvel is not a bad film. It was a pretty standard superhero film with a great performance by Brie Larson, who played an interstellar warrior who actually acted like an interstellar warrior. No cute puns. No flirting with the guys. She embodied violence and I appreciated that. 

My ass has been collecting data on the internet since there’s been an internet, so it’s an excellent source to pull out of.

I’ll keep saying it until I’m blue in the face: The Marvels was ALWAYS going to be a failure, irrespective of its quality.

Captain Marvel is a bad film, full stop. Yes, it made a billion dollars, but a massive part of that was women viewers, who otherwise didn’t give a shit about Marvel or the MCU, coming out in droves

In a world where Meet the Spartans made nearly triple its budget, I don’t think “it’s the writing” can be argued at all.

And after the complete misses that were Love & Thunder, Eternals, Secret Invasion, Moon Knight (my god I tried my best to pretend I enjoyed that), She-Hulk (when are we going to admit that that shit just was not funny, like, at all?)

Other than a thing at the very end of the movie it’s not a quantum/multiverse plotline. It’s a sequel to the plot of Captain Marvel in which the Kree are very mad at her and are seeking revenge. The small bit of multiverse stuff really only matters for the credits sequence.

I’d put it in the top half of MCU movies, though it also seems like we’re not going to agree on this, as I put Iron Man 3 very high up, likely in the top 5 or at least top 10.

Except that this one didn’t have bad writing. It was a good, fun, funny movie.

And it will be a huge hit on Disney+. There will be record number of new signups just to watch this film.

That’s absolute nonsense.

There’s nothing fishy, and you saying there is bad behaviour, in that you’re encouraging conspiratorial nonsense thinking.

Saw it yesterday with Jr Bear - he’s 10 and had no qualms about a super hero movie starring women. I will say I thought it was perfectly fine. There were some quirky edits - like I recall a specific one where the camera cut to a direct headshot of Brie Larson while she said like 3 words then cut elsewhere. It was

I couldn’t even get to see it in my favorite theater. After the first week they went down to two showings a day 12:30 and 4:30.  Something fishy here

Saying “there wasn’t enough meddling” is weird as wasn’t there already a lot on this movie?

If anything Marvel’s big problem is their own fault because they use the “fix it in post” tactic wherever they can. It’s a stark contrast to the Star Wars production pipeline where “meticulously plan in advance” is the byline.
