
I wonder if folks like this do know somewhere, deep down, that everything is to some extent political, or if they really are that insulated from political opinions and things they disagree with by their privilege of being ‘the default’ for so many years that they genuinely don’t understand that.

Either way, the “I miss

It’d be really nice if there was an easier (or even functional) way of getting my screenshots and recordings onto my PC from my PlayStation without a garbage social media account, neither of which I have. The mobile app hasn’t let me download them for months now. 

As if you could ever discuss a subject like tech or tech news honestly without ever touching on politics (everything is influenced by political beliefs and politics anyway), but these are the idiots who think there are only two genders and that they’re male or political when it comes to their movies and games and TV. 

Annoying? the motherfucker has been annoying since the 80s! God i cant stand the orange fuck. Just go the fuck away. Hes the worst of our modern society.

So? They've shown what happens when they "go nuts". Vandalism, forced entry, a few assaults against cops and getting one of their own killed. They don't even have the balls to use the guns they love so much. They're a paper tiger and won't do shit worth worrying about. The occasional mass shooter is way more

He’s a psychologically damaged narcissist with the money and influence to have weaseled his way into one of the most powerful positions in the world. He has no idea how guilty he is, but he’ll keep throwing people in front of the train.

I think the Witches are fed up with being compared to him, and are finally coming after him.

This.  He’s always been a P.O.S. that has nothing but money and lawyers to back up his bluster.  Let’s hope the Law decides honestly based on the available evidence and convicts this slimeball.

He would not have the power to change a verdict, but he’s already lost this case, the rest of the trial is just hashing out details and how much he’s going to have to pay. But he’s of course going to appeal, and right now it looks like his plan is to piss off the judge to the point where he does something, and then he

You’re talking to someone who thinks Gizmodo was never political.

That’s assuming that Trump doesn’t declare martial law if he is reelected.  Or that Engoron faces extra-legal repercussions from Trump’s followers.

Fuck off part II

He’s rich. Rich people don’t face the same consequences for their actions that the everyman does.

When exactly was that whiny, miserable, worthless POS anything BUT annoying?

“Getting ready to head to the Downtown Lower Manhattan Courthouse to testify in one of the many cases that were instigated and brought by my POLITICAL OPPONENT, Crooked Joe Biden, through agencies and surrogates, for purposes of ELECTION INTERFERENCE,” Trump posted on the site.

You know, I think Trump is genuinely evil in the most Edenic sense, like making other people legally guilty for the shit he pulls. (Hence the expulsion from Eden.) The thing the DNC has always misunderstood about Trump is he’s not actually stupid, the same way Hitler wasn’t stupid. He’s clawing his way through

It isn't a federal trial, right? Even if he wins the election, he doesn't have the power to change any verdict.

Then fuck off. Nobody’s forcing you to come here.

Trump’s whole deal is to try to bait the judge into doing something that Trump’s team can appeal. But now his lawyers are in on it, too, since they’re not getting the reactions they want. Now they’ve accused the judge of drinking on the job, Habba started yelling at him in the courtroom, and Kise basically was telling

Pretty sure if I mouthed off like that more than exactly once in a court room I would be held in Contempt and imprisoned. Maybe two weeks in the slammer would help him get some manners, and then he can face the rest of the music?