
1. Don’t put any effort into advertising or selling the game.
2. Have an absurdly high sales expectation for the game.
3. Predictably, the game does not sell well.
4. Blame the developers who had nothing to do or say about the marketing and advertising of the game.
5. Lay half of them off.
6. Pay yourself their salary and

I did not have nearly the level of performance issues with S/V that others were reporting. In fact, it seemed rather fine.

It wasn’t until after the first two patches that were supposed to “fix” performance that it got significantly worse, as in, much closer to the level of frame drops people were saying were happening

EA was in charge of budget allocation for advertising. There was none.

I barely knew this game existed. What little that popped up was blink-and-you-miss-it clips here and there. Dead Space Remake got live streams with the devs et. al, asked for fan feedback, and was released this year. Not meeting sales goals

I’ve said this practically since release, but IMO the Scarlet/Violet technical issues were extremely overblown. They were there, of course, and for a 2022 game for a flagship property you would definitely want something more graphically smooth and technically stable, but I never had anything near game-breaking. One

They hardly did any advertising for the game, I didn’t know it existed until shortly before it released. The marketing gave the impression like they didn’t care that much about it.

“It’s called the ‘Switch 2' because it has two screens! We’ve totally learned our lesson since the WiiU branding debacle!”

One would really hope that a world with literal magical animals everywhere that could annihilate humanity with a thought would have more progressive views on gender and sexuality than we do, especially because their literal genderless god who can assume any type regularly visits and created not just everything but a

There’s at least one literal trans woman in the games as a random trainer in a battle gauntlet.

Random reminder that Meowth’s voice actress is a trans woman.

this honestly made me tear up a little. representation matters

Also for me the combat is kind of a bonus part of it. Having Lae’zel, Shadowheart, and Karlach absolutely kick ass with me is part of the appeal. 

1. The questionably aged anime girls is the main reason for me, but also

A certain dictator over 18, and there are at least three Steam games about having sex with him.

AMD GPU and CPU, as mentioned in another article - still nothing but problems. 

I figured it was spawn damage. Since more often than not, every animal is dead in caves. So my guess is they spawned from the void and then glitched to death

Same-yness is something that keeps me from going back to No Man’s Sky again. There is really only about a dozen or so actually unique planet types in that game, and the creatures all start looking the same after a short while too.

The thing I find funny about the discourse with this game and its romance options is if you don’t like them, there are other major games that don’t have any or very very limited ones. I mean go play Starfield, that game could be renamed “VIRIGNS IN SPACE” for how sexless it is.

I mean this is the thing right. The reason people attach so heavily to the romances in stuff like Baldur’s Gate or Mass Effect is 1) production quality. Performance capture on high quality models with talented VOs and strong writing is just not comparable to 6 JPEGs of a mute questionably aged anime girl with writing t

Why should sex not be represented in games?

Call me a deviant but I prefer people over the age of consent.