
My favorite game of theirs is still Chrono Trigger, and I don’t see them making anything nearly as interesting ever again.

Yeah, their guilded age if anything. They’re a good highlight on how much the game industry has changed as it became more than just a fad/hobby - Nintendo too.

Square in the mid to late 90s was also just a very different company.

Yeah it is SE. Keep in mind that the approval of anti-capitalist narratives is across many forms of media, including from big corporations themselves. Usually they’re dismissive of such narratives, but when you’re too big to fall you also get the “confidence” that you can get away with anything.

It is Square Enix, who are happily still trying to push NFT’s as game features and just cancelled like 4 of their new “live service” games in a row. They don’t have a shred of self awareness about how they’re treating FF7, an anti-capitalist eco-terrorism game where their spinoffs are gleefully using “Shinra Bucks!”

Try out EmuDeck!

Corporate arrogance is not surprising, and even Yoshida is not immune to this. I get Elon Musk vibes from this guy, tbh.

Is it, though?

I have yet to ever meet someone who didn’t hate it almost as much as the N64 controller.

Don’t you all have phones?

I like the looks of this but TBH I’m happy with the Hori Split Pad Pro I’ve had for a few years now.

You seem to be misunderstanding what the per-game performance profiles do. Enabling ‘use per-game performance profile’ doesn’t pull a Steam Deck performance profile for your game from Steam (though they apparently are working on a performance profile sharing system that will be akin to the controller mapping sharing),

Now if only we could get the world’s “leaders” to actually tackle climate change like they did this,.

In a car?
Streaming only?! (well there goes using it most of the US)
In 2026?!
In this economy?!
With obligatory ads?!


I do work on EmuDeck, and it’s a constant discussion about the ethical problems around using libretro’s...products.

I’ll never forgive them for the horrible things they’ve done and continue to do.

It is absolutely horrible that that “person” was partly responsible (along with the rest of KF) for the death of one of the greatest emulator developers the world’s ever had (near). (Which is true enough for any suicide or murder that KF and its like have caused, of course. But holy fuck is it just one more huge

Why would you give attention to people making death threats? That’s beyond stupid and makes me think you make death threats and are pissed you didn’t get the attention you wanted. Whether that’s the case, that’s the only logic I can summon to explain your post. 

Jackman is also friends with not just the Kushner’s, but Rupurt Fucking Murdoch. Says they don’t discuss politics together, but that’s the privilege of being a rich white man. He doesn’t have to care because he’s above all us.

The first X-Men movie was a shock to Hollywood.  It had a way bigger impact than it gets credit for.  

Hollywood is full of cowards who condone bad behavior. They excuse and overlook bad actions in order to keep their job and pursue money and fame. Anyone who remains alive in Hollywood through a stretch of years managed to do so by being directly involved or directly condoning these bad actions. As much as Hugh Jackman