
I’m imagining trying to reason with the absolutely unreasonable even at their best and I just can’t. There’s no point in it.

I would say it is super easy like that, but there is going to likely be a pause and they may be an attempt to reason with someone like Bobert, MTG, or Gatez even though you can’t negotiate with crazy.

Bravo to this man. Now get to fixing the broken mess our country has devolved into. Please and thank you. 

Easy: remove the only one actually being a threat.

(And if that’s too hard between someone threatening someone else with a firearm and someone else...not doing that, I don’t know what to tell people)

Literally made her career on at least pretending (or being genuinely) ignorant and hateful, so pretty in character.

That’s pretty insulting to Strange Days.

“This whole Nazi thing will die out...”
“The South lost, so the whole Confederacy thing will die out...”
“If we ignore racism, it will die out...”

How’s that “wait it all out” plan working for everyone? All those problems are solved, right? I’m sure you think so, since if it doesn’t happen to you or the ones you know,

The point is that as long as she is alive and holds the rights, she financially benefits from every sale of the game, and she puts her money towards anti-trans groups like the LGB Alliance. It’s not just about the moral impurity of buying something associated with a transphobe - if it were that it might be something I

There are no apolitical actions. Taking no side is a decision. Giving Rowling your money means you are okay with enriching her as a person, which further implies that you support or are at least okay with her as a person. Buying Hogwarts Legacy when someone knows that they are enriching a known transphobe signals that

she’s a billionaire funding trans hate in a time where violent attacks against trans folk is increasing. you can go fuck off with this weepy nonsense.

A hit dog will holler.

Every goddamn day I wonder a little more why I keep coming here. 

Money = Agency. When you have more money you are, arguably, going to reach more people with whatever you want to spout. The argument is that if you buy the game you are complicit in that process of feeding her more money to continue to remain relevant and spread her beliefs.

You really are making a statement if you buy this game, though.

This is isn’t like learning that John Wayne was racist, it’s more like learning that John Wayne was a Grand Wizard of the Klan.

I mean, her money will go directly to groups trying to remove trans provisions from the UK’s Equality Act 2010, so in this case there is a pretty clear cause and effect of where the money goes in this case.

“Ignore it and it’ll go away.” Thanks Mom. That advice worked so well on bullying too.

I don’t buy media from people who I know are currently openly racist, either. You know, like JK Rowling. This isn’t rewriting history, this is things she is, actively, right now.

I can substantiate it. Rowling recently said in an interview that one of the reasons she persists with her anti-trans viewpoint is that she believes the money she makes from Harry Potter still shows that “most people” secretly agree with her and are just afraid to say it out loud.

and she celebrates every single time that happens.