
Great. We all should know that already.

Now make ads illegal.

No, really.

Just curious ... does anyone browse any of the G/O Media sites without an ad blocker? If so, how the hell do you do it? The ads make these sites such a terrible experience to navigate, especially on mobile.

Hell I need an ad blocker just for this website. I come here mostly out of habit now (there is still occasionally some good content) but my god between the pop ups and the fucking slide shows it’s almost like y’all don’t want me here. 

you also need to trust that they are honest with the data you provide them by literally sending all your traffic through their servers and not, like, mining the shit out of what you and your family do when you think you are not observed and sell that insight to the highest bidders

I switched from AdBlock to uBlock Origin.  As far as I know, uBlock doesn’t whitelist companies that pay to be unblocked like AdBlock does, and that is why I switched.

basically the reason I don’t use the youtube app on my phone, unless I want to cast something or it’s just a quick browse, for my watch list etc I only use via browser

First thing I do in every browser is install one.

You’re probably not the person this question was targeting.

I haven’t seen the new film, and I have no intention. The first was fine as a visual spectacle, but the white savior complex was as obvious then as it was thirty years ago in “Dances With Wolves” and SO many other Hollywood productions. At least in Costner’s film, the source material was organized around an accurate

I met him at a con back in 2019 (I think?) in Vegas. A friend was his handler at the event. He’s a great guy. And he’s right, watch something else if you don’t like it. Frankly, I thought She-Hulk was funny and refreshing (mild retcon of her origin notwithstanding).

you’re right he’s so talented

(and also, a component is wearing your party clothes of the night before and carrying your uncomfortable shoes in your hand. It’s a form of “slut-shaming” from the 90s and the phrase probably ought to die.)

Welcome to the USA and gender based shame sex stereotypes!

Also aren’t She-Hulk and Daredevil triple-A list for thirstiest Marvel characters?

Heck, one of the best runs of Daredevil is Matt actively trying to be positive.

I get that the tone of Daredevil is pretty dark, but the show was still pretty funny, probably more than any of the other Netflix properties. Matt himself is obviously a pretty lighthearted guy who just happens to be caught in bad circumstances. Anyone who reads him as being somber and stoic is definitely missing a

Why is it called a “walk of shame”?

There’s nothing to possibly be angry about that show as a whole and especially the little Daredevil arc.

I never understood how it’s even a walk of shame. Like it’s somehow shameful to have sex and leave the next morning? It’s really a walk of pride. 

Now playing

I’m all for filmmakers and stars going full Homer Simpson on the trolls.Time to fight back.