
What does that have to do with this, a good movie?

I dunno, Chappelle seems perfectly happy to do that all by himself.

You do need to be an asshole to be that rich. In order to make the money someone like Musk does, you have to step over other people.

I didn’t even work for Musk or Twitter and I’m impacted because I got laid off from a similar company and now there are NO jobs in my fields of expertise because of this shit.

There are plenty of people against women cumming, anyway.


Musk is good at tackling hard *technical* problems.

that cover story was a huge lie to win a PR war with the producers and avoid legal action. He betrayed his writers and blamed them when he was the one at fault.

Same with Dave, who always leaned right. People assumed the sketches in the tv show were written by him and not incredibly liberal writers who he then tossed under the bus when he melted down.

100% on point. I also like to think about it this way: the system we have in place would never in a million years allow someone this type of “success” if they were the type of person who could “tell the difference between ‘progress’ and ‘profit.’” Backwards mooks are the only kind of people who can accumulate this

Still burning your Nikes or crying about Kaepernick kneeling? 

Typical fascist. You say you want free speech, but cry when other people get free speech. Did their boos give you a boo boo?

What I got from all this is that Chapelle and Rock are fucking sell out shills

Has Chapelle simply given up on the pretense of wit, and decided that provocation is all it takes to be funny? 

A former SpaceX employee mentioned that SpaceX and Tesla basically have “Musk management systems,” which are groups of executives whose job is to keep Musk distracted by shiny things so he doesn’t fuck up how they’re run. With Twitter, there is no management system there because he fired everyone, and there’s no way

Fuck Musk and fuck Chapelle. 

Twitter’s only problem was that it wasn’t making money. There is no “problem” about “balancing people’s freedom to speak,” because it was a company, and not a government. Its job was to make money.

Except he legitimately did just fire a bunch of tech bros and make the job untenable for most of the rest of his staff. I’m a San Franciscan who has no love for tech bros, but even I understand that thousands of them are now out of work because of Musk’s shenanigans and they are NOT likely to be happy with him right

Everywhere Elon goes, there should be a crowd chanting “fuck Elon Musk.”

Musk ... has outed himself as an entitled right-wing prick in the short span that he’s owned Twitter.

Musk had done a halfway decent job of making it seem like he was actively running Space X and Tesla and partially the reason for their success. It’s now abundantly clear that they are successful despite him. He did this to himself.