
“Father” is a generous term. More like sperm donor. He even sees himself that way, as he considers it his literal duty to populate the world with his offspring with as many different people as possible, but actually taking care of those children is the other parents’ job.

Isn’t this moron also a father to like 8 children under the age of 10?  WTF is he doing this for on a Sunday night?  A historic stooge.

You lost the popular vote in a presidential election by 10 million votes, the largest gap ever. More evidence of how wrong “conservative math” normally is.


I remember when Dave bailed on the Chappelle Show because he didn’t like how all the money impacted the message he was trying to say with the show.

It’s baffling that a black man would openly associate with a white man whose family got rich under Apartheid, but then again Chapelle’s family has weird political history when it comes to Africa.

Dave’s medical issues aren’t really relevant to this discussion.

Dave Chappelle has become so pathetic. I’m trying to imagine being so utterly convinced of my own special genius that I no longer need to listen to literally anyone who disagrees with me. He and Musk are peas in a fucking pod that way.

Psst... they never did.

Chappelle took a long ass mental health break and came back insane.

Proud of everyone booing in the audience 

Both of them should be booed off the stage.

Is it really a surprise that a rich, white, South African is a “right-wing, entitled prick?”

wtf is chappelle doing? fuck him

We’re never going to stop laughing at you, Musk simps.

There’s so much going on here, but I think the best I can break it down is this:

See, I always saw right through him and have never understood why anyone ever thought he was anything more than a huge piece of shit.

The sad part is this will only make Chapelle double down on his bullshit even more.

No, Dave, YOU shut the fuck up. What the fuck happened to you? Caping for a dumbfuck racist billionaire. Shame.

This is like an early Christmas present. Fuck Elon and fuck Chapelle.