
Capitalism and being a corporate exec are a helluva drug.

I could mostly ignore the art style despite not being a fan (the GB art style for LoZ is by far my favorite), but the LoD / fuzzy effect around the edges of the screen gives me migraines, on top of the performance issues and frame hitches.

I did actually appreciate that it had some added content.

I don’t mind it not

Awesome, thank you! I missed it.

Fingers crossed that Capcom allows the Oracle games to be present.


A good Link’s Awakening on the Switch.

(Mostly joking on that last bit. Maybe)

Also, who let one of the idiots out of the greys?

Can’t even block outright hate speech trolls and moderation is basically nonexistent.

Yaaaaaaaay /s

Considering just how many people are insisting on calling me a friendless mentally ill freak in the grays I think we know where the priorities really are with these folks.

By the way that doesn’t really work on me folks.

I’ve been shot at, stabbed, beaten half to death, and left to die in a ditch more than once in my

“Pull yourself up by your bootstraps”
“Getting woke”
“There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.”

Just a small selection of phrases that have been coopted and are slowly losing all semblance of their original meaning.

Ok yeah I was thinking it was something like that.

Mobile Kinja is weird cause I can’t get it to work at all. Like I can sit there and fight with it for 10 straight minutes and it just won’t let me log in or stay logged in long enough to do anything.

Mostly just curious if there was an acronym or initialization they


Also there’s just a large portion of people that just literally can’t pay for Netflix. Netflix isn’t going to get any more customers from’s just gonna do nothing at best or bite them in the ass at worst.


Fuck off with your tone policing.

Tone policing and politeness politics sucks, it’s been used to silence marginalized folks like us for literally hundreds of years.

“Hey can y’all be quiet and polite while you die? That’d be great, thanks.”

Literally no group of folks has ever escaped from this shit by being polite, it’s always taken violent revolt.


I wanna make it clear this comment isn’t a witch hunt the person I’m responding to is clearly not being an asshole.


Why are you capitalizing cis that way (CIS)? That’s a thing TER’s usually do. I’m not accusing you of that, just wondering why you’re typing it that way. (or if your phone’s autocorrect did that cause mine tries sometimes)

Conservatives literally buying Trump NFTs made using stolen “art” and going bankrupt to “own the libs”.

Actually had a friend have several people angrily proclaim that they were dropping support for trans people and going “full on JKR supporter” because she spoiled the game to point out a few of the problematic things in it.

There’s something about not being supportive in the first place if spoiling a damned video game

Thank you.

If getting called out for doing something by a marginalized group makes you not wanna support that group, you didn’t support that group in the first place. You were just looking for an excuse.