
Talking with Jerykk is literally pointless.


This is why I’m grumpy.

I honestly do not care if people buy the game.

I just want them to stop rubbing it in my damned face constantly while I’m facing the threat of death.

The tone policing is real.

All these people: “oh my god these people facing genocide are being so unpleasant about it and ruining my video game, god, I just wanna ignore their plight and loudly have fun with my video game that profits from hatred stop making me feeeeel baaaad while you die.”

At least when it comes to entertainment, people can avoid it because it’s....entertainment. Nobody’s hurting for choice there (although the current streaming nonsense isn’t helping), but it’s not like it’s food, water, or other supplies that you’ll die without access to.

I can choose not to play or buy a video game

Yeah we’re one of the first groups in this wave of fascism wanting to start committing genocide but very few folks want to hear that put so directly.


Gov. Abbott of Texas, his Lt. Gov. and A.G. have been attempting to round up trans kids and their parents, though, with a policy of separating trans kids from their supportive parents and forcibly detransitioning them and putting them in conversion therapy, as well as attempting to lock up their parents in

We’re not getting rounded up by the state (yet), but police and “lone wolves” have been shooting us, raping us, leaving us beaten and dying in gutters, and generally killing us one by one for years now while fuckers like Tucker Carlson and his ilk smile and laugh and play the “but I didn’t tell them to pull the

I’ve been ringing the alarm bells that it’s looking an awful lot like the 1930s Germany days for quite a while now and most people just stick their fingers and their ears and go “lalalalalala can’t hear you” or cheer.

Ah, famous trolls like...Stephanie Sterling, and Liam Robertson. For fuck’s sake.

I’m both looking forward to seeing Steph’s take on all of this and kinda wishing they would steer clear of it just for their mental health.

Mods have to be pretty heavy handed with some subjects because of ye olde “you let one Nazi hang out in your bar” problem, IE, when you allow a certain level of hatred for a group of people, no matter how minor, you eventually wear out and push out that group of people, and more and more of the friends of the hateful

Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky (I had to look it up).

It’s not as bad as the death threats and stuff but it is really exhausting all on its own.

Nearly all local news channels in the US are owned by the same hyper-conservative news corporation. The largest and most popular news mega-corporation in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia are all owned by the same man (Koch) (the same corporation that owns Fox News). The BBC, which is state media in the UK, has made

God, I wish HP fandoms were a bubble and not a loud, annoying group that has been loudly spouting about buying this game to “own the transes” all day every day for weeks in every single gaming space that didn’t have a singular focus on a different franchise. That’d be great, actually.

She’s also being used as a cudgel to silence criticism of the a token character is intended to be used.

Unfortunately the “GamerGate” morons that spawned a whole host of alt-right nutjob groups and whatnot have effectively made it quite a lot more difficult to discuss the problems in the games journalism industry by intentionally poisoning that well.

Yup, that’s an absolutely massive issue that we still haven’t really dealt with. Game publishers withholding review copies or straight up blacklisting reviewers that leave anything less than glowing reviews is a huge problem. Paid reviews, dictated reviews, etc..

Tech companies like Apple doing it, too.

It just doesn’t

It’s really depressing that so many people have literally killed themselves for that.

It’s so bad that there’s worry from the conservatives that “red” counties have had high enough death rates that it’ll affect their elections.

Ah yes, starry-eyed reviews by people who grew up as fans of the books and movies as children and have a vested interest both personally and potentially financially in giving the game a positive review totally wouldn’t overlook gameplay and narrative issues.

Granted one of the reasons we avoid several places in town, including my neighbors, is that they’ve pointed guns at us and made several threats on our lives just for existing.

That’s fun.