
I came here to make this joke but knew in my heart it had already been made.

It’s so fascinating that a phrase invented at least 120 years ago to illustrate just how absurd the concept of toxic individuality and self reliance for the lower classes inherent in capitalism is an impossible goal has become so flanderized that the capitalists actually use that phrase unironically.

As a young trans girl who liked girls I really latched onto Princess Ozma, who was hidden away by a spell as a boy for most of her childhood (that whole arc has some problems, too, that boy is basically a whole other person that gets unwillingly blinked out of existence to bring Ozma back), and then later Dorothy

Every time I see a damned Chick-fil-A bag.

Also, there are several places like that here in town, and we make a big point of avoiding them like the plague. The whole town is still run by the same handful of families that ran the KKK here for a hundred years (and they still have the mayor’s office, the entire police

Is that what that smell is? They keep saying it’s the smell of success but it stinks pretty badly down here.

K.A. Applegate seems like a lovely person (and is super supportive of her trans daughter, to boot).

Terry Pratchett was an absolutely fabulous human that will be dearly missed (GNU Terry Pratchett).

Neil Gaiman is a great example of a human who has spent his whole life learning from and improving on what mistakes he has

But who will think of the poor investor class?!

The sheer number of books that are amazing, too.

Like, can K.A. Applegate and her work get even a fraction of this love that HP weirdly gets, please?

People telling me I would understand if I loved Hairy Plopper as a child have no idea how much Orson Scott Card, Ayn Rand, Terry Goodkind, etc., I was exposed to as a child.

Oo, how about Oz? Cause L. Frank Baum was a raging monster of a human being. Or H.P. Lovecraft.

At least some of those bigots have the decency to

Yeah that’s why I specified. Those things hold mostly true in the UK, too, although much less so on the “Christian” part.

The temporarily embarrassed billionaires trying to reply to me in the grays are truly precious.

Gotta love how freely people are using that token, too.

People have been pointing out just how racist the books were since they came out but the sheer amount of publicity work to whitewash JK’s work is astounding and was even in the 90s.

In a book series where she uses the pen name of a man famous for inventing conversion therapy and uses trans women as punching bags in at least two novels.

If you’re in the US, a straight, cisgender, white, “the right kind of Christian”, conservative, and wealthy man.

And vocal training is a pain.

Folks that don’t think the transphobia is reaching “getting round up to be killed” levels haven’t been to Texas or Florida lately.

The folks in charge here are trying to get lists of trans people in their states and are super fucking chummy with pastors that have been calling for us to be lined up and shot in the head.


It’s been brought to my attention the VA may be trans, which, I could not verify. I can’t find a listing for the VA anywhere. If she is, that’s not what I thought (my first impression was that the VA was a cis woman making a caricature of what she thought all trans women sounded like). Me being trans doesn’t mean I

The show does say that the Tok’ra are that way because Egeria chose to make her children less aggressive and hateful (apparently the Goa’uld both pass on their entire species’ memory (of that particular line) and to some extent personalities when they procreate, and the queens have some control over the process, to

You’re fine, I was asleep. Centrists in general can go shove it where the sun doesn’t shine.