
Harry Potter was always a neo-liberal hellscape of bigotry.


Death of the author is stupid, especially when that author is alive and kicking and using her billion from her literal castle to actively alter the course of politics against us and getting us killed.

BurnedIn is playing the “enlightened centrist” role it seems this time around, and, although they’ve got some of the right ideas, them tone policing folks over this garbage isn’t really all that helpful, either.

It never ceases to boggle my mind that we live in a society that thinks that the average person deserves to starve to death if they get a slightly imperfect mark on a work review or something but that CEOs and their ilk get to ride off on golden parachutes despite absolutely destroying markets, industries, whole

Oh god absolute nightmare fuel.

I wish our problems were so alien as snake worms that take over people’s bodies and force them to do awful things. I really really do.

It’d be so much better than humans just kinda being awful.

Don’t forget the whole abusing, threatening, and bullying a subordinate until she killed herself.

Wait, is Bobby Kotick not a demon?

j/k, demons aren’t real, the only real monsters are people.

“We’re making record breaking profits!”
“We’re not making enough money, lay off the workers!”
“Okay let’s spend an absurd amount of money buying up a company fraught with sexual assault and harassment issues.”
“We don’t have the money to hire people or the talent to do anything useful we super pinky swear, though.”

At the very least, he shouldn’t have so much power and wealth over others to continue to abuse.

Why would anyone ever believe a word that comes out of that man’s mouth?

Also, shouldn’t he still be too busy dealing with sexual assault and harassment lawsuits still to worry about this shit?

Considering that the trans character is a stereotypical token with a godawful name and a super absurd voice,...

Nah, she’s worse than not being there at all.

Then lengths people will go to to defend this godawfully written bigoted pile of trash that somehow managed to get made into almost not fucking awful movies (but they managed to get the anti-Semitism and racism in there anyway).

Honestly I’d be fine with that as long as people would shut up about this stupid terrible universe and this stupid game for like 5 goddamn seconds cause honestly any time I see HP fans at this point I know to just avoid them because there’s a non-zero chance they’d attack me for being trans.

That’s not even touching on

Considering libel law in the UK is basically just to protect the royalty, nobility, and rich from criticism (and seriously punish the critic(s)), it is, unfortunately, working as intended.

You put some of the vilest shit imaginable in your soup?


The game is inherently political, which as you correctly point out, they all are. This one just happens to be made by a neo-Nazi head dev and have Nazi stereotypes and shit in it, which is why any gaming group worth their salt has just straight up banned the game.

“Judge the game based on its merits”

Ok. The lead dev was a neo-Nazi and the plotline involves Nazi stereotypes and shit and the one trans character is a stereotype with an absurd JK-level name that’s basically “Manly Manny”. Don’t even get me started on her voice.

The game is shit.

Can we just stop talking about this Nazi game made by Nazis for Nazis?

That Woshiernog is still allowed here is a sign I probably shouldn’t be here at all, honestly.

But, but, my freeze peach! I can say hateful things all I want! It doesn’t matter if someone makes a manifesto that word for word quotes me and then goes off and murders many people I told them to hate! I didn’t tell them to pull the trigger. I just told them to be really really afraid of and really really hate this